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The remaining 4 pages of this month's manga will be newly written and included in the September summary since the drawing will not be completed in time.


I'm sorry we couldn't catch up this month, as much as I'd hoped we would!


In fact, we have decided to move in a hurry, so we are also looking for a place to live and cleaning up our room. I am not good at thinking about things at the same time, so my writing tends to be delayed when my brain capacity is taken up by something other than comics. I would like to improve it somehow.


The September summary will be distributed to those who continue to support us in October, as well as to those who stop supporting me this month and those who support me only this month.



If you stop supporting me this month, please do not unfollow me until the September distribution is completed next month, as we will not be able to track your support history if you unfollow me.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience!



お忙しい中、更新ありがとうございます! たいへんだと思いますが漫画の方、楽しみにしております。引越しもがんばってください!来月も応援しております!


こちらこそ更新が遅い月が続いているなか、変わらぬご支援や暖かいコメントありがとうございます! 前回の引っ越しが10年くらい前なのですっかり段取りを忘れてわちゃわちゃしてます。 物件さえ決まって気持ちもラクになると思いますのでとにかく本分である漫画を頑張ります!