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The winner is:

I Won't Become a Magical Girl!

A Cool and stylish villain opens the gate to hell releasing monsters upon the world. When the monster finally defeats the only savior who fights for love and justice, a new heroine must now take her place. However, by a divine accident, the villain was the one chosen?! (Transformation)

This was definitely one of the ideas I wanted to see. The cool and handsome-looking villain being turned into a cutesy Magical Girl and forced to fight for justice, the contrast sounds like a fun idea to me. I'll try to do my best writing it out, then I'll start drawing it as soon as I can, whenever I can get settled into the new place.

Please look forward to it!




Thanks for sharing the results, that was the one I wanted to win. Also, hoping the 2nd place option "Corpo Courtesan" gets made at some point in the future


magical gril no.1


А увидит ли свет история из прошлого голосования : "Permanent Vacation"?