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2023/07/05, Onimai Fancomic progress... delayed.



Thank you for all your help. I am Kuma QM.

Twitter has been undergoing quite a bit of spec changes lately and I'm barely looking at it. I've been using the old TweetDeck on my PC browser for a long time, so I'm in trouble. The new version doesn't replace it functionally at all.... The Tweetbot application I used to use is no longer available, and it is getting harder and harder to use, so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. However, I will continue to advertise and announce on Twitter.



I am currently working on a doujinshi for Onimai, but this time I am quite behind schedule. I have been working on it for a while now, but it seems that my shoulders, back, and arms have reached their limits... I think this is due to the fact that each part of my body is in very bad shape (in addition to the fact that Street Fighter 6 has put a lot of pressure on my arms again, right?) ). So I'm going to take it easy this time and take a little break from painting. I aim to complete it by the middle of this month. Currently, I am in the process of putting in the pen. This time, it will be 32 pages in black and white. It has been a long time since I have drawn in black and white, so I am paying particular attention to the lines.


From now on, I would like to increase the number of days I spend on each work in order to maintain my physical condition and quality. For this reason, we plan to take a break like this month and have a renewal month two or three times a year. I would also like to have a schedule for the next 4 to 6 months, which we will announce to our supporters in an easy-to-understand manner.



Thank you for reading this far! See you soon!

Oh, and I will be continuing Kuro-chan's vertical scrolling manga again this month, so please look forward to it!
