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Hello~! Thank you for your continued support, I am Kuma QM. How did you like Kuro's second work that we published the other day?Today, I would like to inform you that we have started working on the third fan book i of the next one, “Oniichan ha oshimai!”

テニス部の百合物語、印刷されました!(A Tennis Club Lily Tale, printed!)

次回作はおにまい同人誌!(His next work is a fan book for Onimai!)

テニス部の百合物語、印刷されました!(A Tennis Club Lily Tale, printed!)

はやくもサングループ様から印刷された同人誌を届けていただきました!まもなくメロンブックス様・とらのあな様でも発売になるかと思われます。現在すでに予約開始されていますのでぜひよろしくお願いします〜m(_ _)m

I have already received the printed doujinshi from Sun Group! It is expected to be available at Mellon Books and Toranoana soon. Pre-ordering has already begun, so please be sure to place your orders!



次回作はおにまい同人誌!(His next work is a fan book for Onimai!)


テレビアニメ12話の温泉シーンを舞台にして前半はまひろちゃんが同級生3人に総受け、後半はおちんちんも…という内容でネームを切りまして、只今下描き作業中でございます〜。もちろんみはりちゃん・かえでちゃんも描きまくりな予定でございます。本日表紙のラフなど描きましたので公開させていただきます。ぜひお楽しみにm(_ _)m

The next work will be a yuri orgy.

It will be set in a hot spring scene from episode 12 of the TV anime, and the first half will be about Mahiro-chan getting hit on by three of her classmates, and the second half will be about a penis... I'm working on a draft right now. Of course, I plan to draw Mihari-chan and Kaede-chan as well. I drew a rough sketch of the cover today, so I will release it to the public. Please look forward to it.


That's all for today. Thank you for reading! See you soon!

