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Hey there! I'm Kuma QM!

・500追加コンテンツ、Nikkeロリ漫画は本日か明日に!少し遅れてますm(_ _)m(500 additional contents, Nikke loli comic, a little late m(_ _)m)

シュエン・リター・アドミちゃんの同人ショートコミックですが、只今キャラ塗り終盤でして、自分で決めた〆切を少しもうオーバーしています(汗。申し訳ありません。本日か遅くとも明日以内のは公開出来ると思います!もうしばらくお待ちくださいませm(_ _)m

I'm in the final stages of painting the characters in this doujinshi short comic about Shuen, Ritter, and Adomi-chan, and I've already exceeded the deadline I set for myself (sweat). I'm sorry about that. I think I will be able to publish it today or tomorrow at the latest! Please wait a little longer.

・次回作は「お兄ちゃんはおしまい!」の同人を描きます!(The next work will be a doujin comic of “Oniichan ha Oshima!”I will draw a doujin of the same name!)


As I told you the other day, I was thinking that Delemas would be good for the next issue, but the anime I watched the other day, "Ojisan wa Oshita! which I watched the other day, was interesting, so I'm thinking of going with that one. I also draw brother-sister stories, so I thought it would be good to draw something with an older brother connection (lol). (Laughs) And I'm a Lolita, too! If I draw it now, it will be available on the support site in March, so it will be ready in time for the broadcast.I think I will alternate between making derivative works and originals for a while.

・『みんなみゃーねえのものっ!』Fanzaでも発売しました!(”Everybody belongs to Miyako!" is now available at Fanza!)


An angel descended on me at Fanza! Doujin comic digital edition "Everybody belongs to Miyako!" is now available at Fanza!" I have started selling it! Please come! Only Japanese version is available.

embed: www.dmm.co.jp


See you!



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