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Work Log of 2022/12/13, 2nd day of new work & production of contributed illustrations


Hello - I'm Kuma QM. I am writing this article in my early morning sleep.

・2月公開予定のオリジナルロリコミックは現在下描き25%くらい。(The original loli comic to be presented in February is currently about 25% drafted.)


I have been working since the afternoon of the 12th on an original loli comic to be released in February. It took me some time to storyboard the whole comic, and I've finished about 6 pages of drafts. The comic will be 24 pages long. I think it will be 28 to 30 pages in total, including the cover. The title is still undecided. The comic will be about a pedophile brother who has sex with his sister's classmate in front of her. It might be a two-part story. Please look forward to it!

・睦月るむ☆るむ様の同人誌にイラストを寄稿させていただきます。(I will be contributing an illustration to Mutsuki Rumu Rumu's coterie magazine.)


I'm going to have an illustration of Suzu-chan, a signboard girl, for @mutsuki18nyan's new book for Comic market. I about 90% done. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


I will work hard today. See you~!



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