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2022/10/30 Work log, colouring in doujinshi, scheduling and content for the whole month.

ども〜くまQMでございます。本日もわたてん同人誌の着色作業でございます。本編の肌や髪の毛を塗り進めました全体の色塗りの40%くらいまでは進んだかなあ?というところでございます。予定では作業の進行は図のようになっております。明日もバリバリ作業を進めたいと思います!( ^ᴗ^ )

Hello - I'm Kuma QM. Today, I'm working on the colouring of the Wataten doujinshi again. I've painted the skin and hair of the main story, and I think I've made about 40% of the way through the colouring. I am now at about 40% of the way through the colouring. The progress of the work is as shown in the diagram in the schedule. I will continue working hard tomorrow! ( ^ᴗ^ )


The survey for Idolmaster Cinderella Girls is still open, so please participate without hesitation. I'll publish the results on the 1st of next month!


Please note that we will stop publishing contents that are scheduled to be published throughout this month after 20:00 Japan time on the 31st, but this does not apply to contents that are automatically set up by Ci-en or Fantia.


See you soon!



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