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26/10/2022, Watataten doujinshi progress & left hand device and shoulder supporter story.


Hi - I'm Kuma QM, and I'm about to start hating motorbikes because of the terrible noise they've been making in my neighbourhood for the past year. Today is the first day of penning for the doujinshi award of "An angel descended on me! I finished up to eight pages today. Personally, penning is what gives me the most stiffness in my shoulders... I can use the liquid tab in a board-tab style to do the preliminary drawing, so I can do it without worrying about neck fatigue, but for the line drawing, I have to look at the liquid tab screen to draw the lines I want, which is not very efficient, so it causes fatigue in my shoulders and neck. I'm going to try to finish it in three or four days, and I think it will be a lot easier once I start colouring.



Talking about left-hand devices

I use a Tabmate as my left-hand device, but last year, when I broke my shoulder as hard as I could, it was a ToursBox. That device has a lot of buttons and can be operated very quickly, but it is also rather heavy, and because the fingers are fixed in place, the burden on the shoulder was tremendous. If it is a short-time use, it is different, but honestly, I cannot recommend it to the person who uses it for a long time every day in drawing. Ideally, I think it would be great if the Tabmate had one or two more wheels on the side and a dedicated receiver or something instead of Bluetooth to stabilise the connection... Also, durability so it doesn't break when dropped (lol). (I've already dropped it and broken it twice.)


肩こりがひどいので本日は肩のサポーターを使用してお絵描きしました。1年前に購入した”柔道整復師が考えた 姿勢サポーター”という製品なのですが、わりと最初は調子が良かったんですけど、少し時間がたつと肩が締め付けで痛んできてしまい、長続きできませんでした。他に良いものはないかなあと探しています。

Talking about the shoulder supporter

I have stiff shoulders, so today I painted with a shoulder supporter, a product I bought a year ago called "Posture supporter designed by a judo therapist". I was looking for something better. I'm looking for something better.


So tomorrow, I'll be working hard on the pen again! See you later!


PS, I'm doing a Deirdre Master Cinderella Girls survey. Please do!






ありがとうございます!今回はその二人は出ません。と言いますのも本編24ページですので、5人と絡むと一人当たりのページ数がすごく減ってしまうので、ひなた、乃愛、花ちゃんの3人にしました。もし今回の同人誌が好評でしたら、また残る二人の同人も描きたいと思います!( ^ᴗ^ )💕










ですです( ^ᴗ^ )フルカラーにする予定です!ぜひぜひ!