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2022/10/18, Sex Toy Homura 3, almost finished!


Hey there! This is KumaQM. Today we proceeded with the second day of work on "Sex Toy Homura 3". Currently, we have progressed to the coloring stage of the 6-page comic. And the coloring of the characters has progressed to about 80%. Tomorrow, I will finish the background (although there are not many backgrounds in this series), the speech bubbles, the text, and the translation, and it will be completed. I think I will be able to announce it tomorrow at the earliest, or the day after tomorrow at the latest. This time, there will be bondage and foreign object insertion. Enjoy!


As for the condition of my shoulder, yesterday I proceeded to draw on the easel as before, but today I felt a little discomfort in my right shoulder, so I used a timer to raise and lower the standing desk every 10 minutes, changing my posture as I went along. Thanks to my efforts, I did not feel much fatigue today. I would like to continue at this rate.


Now, as for the future schedule, I'd like to revisit the table I published the other day and schedule it more carefully. So, I was thinking that the additional short comic style benefits should only be available on the 500 yen plan,

I'm thinking of doing that as often as possible, and moving to the 1000 yen plan for content that has passed its time. I think that the 1000 yen plan will allow me to continue my activities without any difficulty if I can make it more profitable by releasing my stock of comics every month in advance. In addition, the schedule we have just set up is very tight in terms of the amount of time we can spend on each piece of content. I think that if we rearrange the schedule to have a little more leeway, we might be able to produce a better quality product, so I am thinking about it some more. However, it is difficult to know where to find the time to make that leeway....


That being said, "Sex Toy Homura 3" will be released soon! See you soon!



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