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Hello everyone. This is Kuma-QM, as you know.


Today, I am happy to announce that I am able to release another new comic. I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to thank you all for your support. I would like to continue to make extra stories and sex stories with past characters on a regular basis as I did with this comic. This time, I tried to make two stories, and I think it was a good distribution in terms of the number of pages; if I made three stories, each story would be 8 pages even if the same main story is 24 pages long. When I used to draw mainly 6 to 8 pages, I thought that I would feel cramped unless I drew about 12 pages, because erotic comics take up a lot of pages for H-scenes.



Today I took a day off. Tomorrow, I will start working on Skeb and Pixiv requests, for which I am very grateful.

After that, I plan to work hard on creating additional content.


This month, I have created an article for Fanbox that will serve as a table of contents for the month. Due to my management policy and the nature of my content, I frequently switch between public and private content, so I wanted to make it easy to see what is currently available. I have put a link to this page on the top of the creators' page, and I hope you will make use of it.

【便利】10月のメニュー(October's Menu)

今月の目玉は過去作「ハッピー・ヘブン・アイランド」と「終末百合物語ろりゆり」の2作の番外編、『ハッピー・ヘブン・アイランド&ろりゆり・スケベブースト外伝』を大公開!全編エッチに特化したフルカラーコミックです!このページから各プランの限定コンテンツを確認していただけます!For October 2022, we are pro...


The image I drew last night is a character proposal for an original comic book. I would like to make it into a comic book if the timing is right. I plan to draw basically Lolita characters on this support site, but I may also draw other characters on rare occasions.


I believe that as the number of works increases, the number of bonus contents on this support site will also go up. It is thanks to your support that we are able to continue our activities in this way.


See you then!



