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Hey there~! This is Kuma QM. Dear supporters and followers, it is now the change of season from summer to autumn in Japan, and the temperature difference is drastic day by day. Please be careful not to catch a cold, etc. Please take care of your health and stay well for those of you overseas!

さて、来月の限定コミックですが、只今90%(自分の感想による解析)まで作業は完了しています。今回の制作はもう他の作業を並行せず、作品にかかりっきりで取り組みました。でも10日で完成はまだ無理でしたね。あと1日、翻訳が間に合わなければもう一日で、まあ12日は見ておいてた方がよさそうです。さて、来月は本編は24ページで内容は過去作『Happy Heaven Island』と『ろりゆり』の番外編となっております。そこにカバーイラストやもろもろがつきまして28ページくらいですかね。それくらいになると思います。お楽しみに!ちなみにですね、過去作2本のブースト作品ですので、500プランでは『Happy Heaven Island』を1000プランですは『ろりゆり』を初回特典にしようと思っています。まだこれらの2作品はDLsitecomサイト等で絶賛発売中ですので、ぜひぜひお買い上げもいただけると嬉しい限りです!

Now, as for next month's limited edition comic, I have completed 90% of the work (analysis based on my own impressions). I worked on this comic without any other work in parallel. But I still couldn't complete it in 10 days. If I don't get the translation done in time, I will have to wait one more day. Next month, the main story will be 24 pages, and the contents will be an extra chapter of our past works, "Happy Heaven Island" and "RoriYuri". The cover illustration and other things will be added to it, and it will be about 28 pages.Please look forward to it! Incidentally, since this is a boost for two previous works, we are planning to offer "Happy Heaven Island" for the 500 plan and "Roriyuri" for the 1000 plan as the first bonus. These two titles are still on sale at DLsitecom and other sites, so we would be very happy if you would purchase them as well!


As for today's work, I created the cover illustration as well as drawing the dialogue balloons and onomatopoeia. It is still incomplete, but I will show it to the public ahead of time as a sample. It's a drawing of Ochiho from Loliyuri (lol), although she doesn't appear in the main story much this time (lol). I think I drew a cute picture.


And as for immediate plans, I'm just thinking about it. 500 plan is to do the Idolmaster Cinderella Girls loli thing for a while. I think the content will be love love love. I've been thinking about what I can make in the limited time I have to make it more erotic, so I'm thinking of making it like a brushed-up version of a past work I made called "Yome Fill Idol JC Festival".


As for the "1000," I haven't decided what I'm going to draw yet (lol). I am planning to draw Akemi Homura for the third time next month, and I am thinking of going with the JC story, but, well, I don't know yet. Sorry about that. I am thinking of something practical that can be used for masturbation.


I would like to publish a new Lori manga every month, but we may also publish other works on a rare occasion. I may do it in the November or so. I want to digest the material I have stored up, and sometimes I like to do something different...well, I have ADHD, so I tend to want to draw a variety of things (lol).


So, I'm really pressed for time to draw illustrations these days, and I'm thinking that I might reprint past time-lapse videos and such for the contents of the 200 yen plan.


See you soon!



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