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ども!くまQMです。先日から予定通り来月の限定コミックの制作を開始させて頂きました。来月の限定コミックは過去作『Happy Heaven Island』と『ろりゆり』の追加スケベストーリー2本立ての予定です!ネームはすでに24ページ描き終えていまして、只今下描き70%ほどまで進みました。Hey there! This is Kuma QM. I have started working on next month's limited edition comic as planned the other day. Next month's limited edition comic will be a double feature of "Happy Heaven Island" and "LoriYuri" an additional ero story ! I have already finished drawing 24 pages of the name, and I am now at 70% of the way through the draft.

上の2枚は各ストーリーの扉絵の下描きです。The top two pictures are drafts of the cover illustrations for each story.


As for my future policy, I will not only create original works, but also regularly create second-person doujinshi manga. This is because it is difficult to publish doujinshi in paper form at the current pace, so I will try to do secondary works with my main new manga two or three times a year.

二次創作のネタはおそらくアイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ、プリズマイリヤ、わたてん、辺りになると思いますがまだ未定です。あ、1000円プランの追加特典ではすでに暁美ほむらちゃんの漫画を2本描かせて頂いております。こちらは1年間公開予定ですので機会があればぜひご覧くださいませ!Secondary material will probably be in the area of Idolmaster Cinderella Girls, Prisma Myriad, Wataten, and others, but I am still undecided. As an added bonus for the 1,000 yen plan, I have already drawn two Akemi Homura-chan comic. They will be available for a year, so if you have a chance, please take a look!



500円と1000円プランの追加特典は毎月何かやるとはお約束できませんが、『なるべくやる』という方針で運営しています。時間の無い月は過去作の復刻も考えています。I cannot promise that we will do something every month for the additional benefits of the 500 yen and 1000 yen plans, but I are operating under the policy of "doing as much as possible". In months when I don't have time, we will consider reprinting past works.


Well then, I will continue working on my cartoon today! Thank you for your support!



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