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Hi! This is BareQM! Thanks to your help, my left arm is getting better, and I can now draw at about 2/3 the speed of before. The cause seemed to be the cervical spine. In order to improve my posture, I shifted from a left-handed device to a tabmate, and it became easier than I expected. I'm really sorry for causing so much concern.


Now, I'm starting to work on next month's exclusive content. Next month, I'll be working on a "night crawling" story. It will be an 8-page black-and-white comic! Stay tuned!


And the 170-page webtoon that I was working on in November is still in a state of suspension. When I think about it, my left arm started screaming at the same time I finished penciling this 170 pages... I guess I worked a little too hard! (laughs)... I'd like to continue working on this one as I see time. I'd also like to continue with “Little Wives” !



Last but not least, I have some rough sketches and black-and-white drawings that I did on Twitter this week, which I'll post here. Have a good Christmas and a happy new year!

This was QM Bear!



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