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In the flawless blue sky, there are only scattered clouds like white sand.A sound reverberated in FARM PEACE CITY.Also in winter.


It sounds like thunder shaking the earth,The dust that has already fallen to the ground rises again on the green bricks and stone tiles; Air should have been leisurely in the afternoon, is now like transparent mud.Heavy and sticky, which makes it difficult for people to move a step anymore.

Not an earthquake, but the breath of the beast.Thick and dense.


Compared with enjoying it’s breath, the people of Farm Peace would like to meet the lightning, even if it is thunderstorm. At best, the disaster will destroy several wooden houses and water trucks. The damaged farmland can be repaired in two seasons.But it's not.

In this square half mile…Debris,broken tiles, grey stone, green smoke…can't remember the place as it was.

The archway, which has been built for two years in the south of the city, was pulled out with one hand. With a flick, the whole pillar flew out.After that, IT squatted on the rubble and watched the sky exhale slowly.

Seeing his hometown destroyed, the ready guards rushed up with weapons.

In the age of farming, more than 20 eight foot strong men like this can be said to be very spectacular.Alone is also a top good hand, together never afraid of what animal.They took the spear into the distance, only to find that the tip of the spear could not reach its neck.The two corners on the top of its head are bigger and sharper, with a faint purple glow.

“NIAN! MONSTER NIAN!”One of them blurted out that he was no other than the most experienced veteran among the guards.

Other people are still wondering what Nian Monster is. Then, a loud noise coming from the north.The same time, the strong guards are thrown away like fallen leaves.

Nian stands up, pats the dust on his body and goes away, leaving only the casualties everywhere.


Two hours later, in the Bamboo Grove Pavilion on the edge of the city, the veteran knelt down in front of the white wall and tiles and said, "please see Bu Xiahuai!"

The stream under the stone bridge was gurgling, and there was no response for a long time. Just as he was about to open his mouth again, the wooden door creaked and opened, "it's you. What's the matter? It's not the time for sacrifice.

Bu Xiahuai is full of plump charm, with the opening and closing of the lips, rippling, like moist ripples.

The diamond shaped silver ornament in the center of the eyebrows is clear and bright, and the bottom of the open-ended animal velvet robe is undulating; she teases the long, soft hair Teach people to dream.

But the veteran soon came to his senses. After all, no matter how touching Xiahuai is, her long hair like snow is really unique; This hair reminds people of her WUZHU(almost like witch in western) status.

Since ancient times, the gods of heaven and earth have existed in all things, and their consciousness can influence the survival of human beings. Respect God, revere God, do not peep at God, small village can multiply open area. In the long years, ordinary people have no way to communicate with the gods, and it is more difficult to be honest with their beliefs.

The appearance of Wuzhu made up for the blank. They became the intermediary and built a bridge to communicate with the gods. From then on, human beings with special power will be given this identity.

Dancing with God, taking charge of sacrifice, exorcising evil spirits and praying for rain With the gradual maturity of farming and commerce, although people's belief in gods is not as good as before, Wuzhu is still preserved, and its status is only under one God.

"For the second time this month. It must be… Monster Nian. It's exactly the same as what you taught before! " The veteran shivered and told what had just happened.

See him more say more excited, Xiahuai interrupted him, "the south of the city was destroyed by it?"

“… It's a shame that the North City has not been preserved. The memorial archway it threw out goes straight through the north of the city. Once it hits the ground, the earth temple is smashed, and a suite of the largest Inn in the city is also involved. "

The veteran hands clasped his fists and bowed, "Mz.Bu, you have to help us."

"It's not easy." Bu Xiahuai touched her chin.

"You are the most powerful Wuzhu in the whole area..." If you can't help it, we're all done - he didn't say the second half.

"Well, you really look up to me, but there are no other witches' wishes here in Farm peace city. There's no problem with praying for rain and other things, but in terms of exorcism, I'm only at the middle and lower level, and You know, I'm not young for a long time

"but..." This is what Bu xiahuai looked like when he was a child. Over the past ten years, although his appearance has not changed much, time is fair. Years can not leave no trace.

"Even in my heyday, I'm afraid I can't fight it. Besides, according to your description, that guy is very strong."

"What can we do..."

"Evacuate the residents as soon as possible,Nian will only make trouble for a month, and it will retreat after the tenth day of the new year."

"How can it be? There are so many people in the city..."

"If you don't want the city to be full of corpses in a few days, you'd better go back as soon as possible."

"This... But this... "

"Master, is there no other way?" In a clear voice, there was a girl in her twenties standing by the tree. Although her facial features are not as bright as Xia Huai's, her red hair and vermilion lips have a different flavor. Her braids behind her shoulders are light and flowing, and her skin is even more congealed fat in the afterglow of the sunset.

"Mz. Bu, this girl is..."

"Ah,basically my apprentice." Bu xiahuai looked at the girl, "when did you start eavesdropping?"

"Master, there are at least 200,000 people in Farm peace city. There are countless women and children. There is no place for them to avoid. Even if they are lucky enough to withdraw, those who survive will not have enough food to support them next autumn. All the granaries will be in the city . "

The old veteran didn't expect that the young and lovely girl had such benevolence and righteousness. Her heart of compassion was beating. Under the finely woven waistcoat, it was full of double peaks that could not be covered.

"Wuu..." Bu Xiahuai sighed, "Yi bai, do you really want to save them?"

The girl called Yi bai nodded slightly.

"Chief guard!" Xia Huai's voice was raised three degrees.

"Yes!I AM!”

"There's a way to deal with the Monster. We need a day to prepare."

"Even for three days. Are you serious? But didn't you say you couldn't subdue the monster? "

"I can't do it on my own, so you have to ask her." She squinted.

"Miss Yi Bai! Please,Farm peace city are counting on you and your master! " The veteran held his head and hands on the ground and kowtowed, but he was stopped by a pair of hands like jades.

"I will do my best."

With Yi Bai's promise, the veteran's head wept with joy and ran towards the city. On the contrary, Xiahuai, leaning against the bamboo in the forest, had a complicated expression.

"When there is such a disaster, there should be such a disaster."

A gentle glow floated in the air, warming the darkness of the room.

Bu xiahuai and Yi Bai kneel on the ground, a glass lamp is horizontal between the master and the Apprentice - the glow is coming out of it, spreading a different kind of brilliance.

It was the first time that she saw this wonderful object. However, she acted arbitrarily and took over the suppression of Nian. She had to keep silent and wait for master to speak.

"Nian is a kind of dangerous demon. It has extraordinary wisdom and absorbs the aura of heaven and earth. Even if it is defeated for a short time, its essence will absorb everything around it to revive and return to this world periodically..."

Bu Xiahuai, as a master, has taught Yibai knowledge about Wuzhu more than once. Yi Bai is already familiar with the chapter of Monster Nian, but she still listens to it very carefully.

"Yi Bai, how long have you been learning arts with me?"

"I grew up alone. When I was able to understand the world at 4, I followed you for 12 years and 2 months.Master Bu."

"Do you remember your parents?"

Yi bai hesitated, but she still shook her head. This is her constant confusion. But in the past, the master never mentioned it. Even if Yi Bai asked, Bu Xiahuai would switch the topic in various ways.

After a short silence, Bu Xiahuai said, "at this time 16 years ago,Monster Nian attacked Farm peace city."

“…… It's because of this that you doesn't want to tell the truth. "

"Time can dilute many problems. I don't want hatred to infect your soul."

"But, but..."

"If I tell the truth early, hatred will blind your mind. You will leave without saying goodbye and look for the trace of Nian all over the world."

Yi Bai clenched his fists, his palms almost bleeding, but his face was as calm as ever.

"This time, I can help master."

"The last time we suppressed Nian, all the accompanying Wuzhu and soldiers died. I was the only one who came back with Nian's head. Now my power is not as good as before. Your sorcery is OK, but you are far from experienced. The most troublesome thing is that, perhaps because of absorbing some spiritual pulse, it becomes too strong. "

"So,there are other ways?"

"Well, you have kept a minimum of calm thinking, which is the most important state of Wu Zhu, so that it is possible to protect the people in the city."

"Really?" Excited, Yi Bai stood up.

"It's just possible," Bu Xiahuai took out a Chinese brush. "The key is YiBai."


"You can come in." Bu waved to the outside.

It was seven or eight years ago. At that time, I was just a little boy. The mountain torrents scattered my home. When I woke up, master Bu adopted me.

Master Bu is not only the greatest Wuzhu here, but also a beauty. Also lovely is Yi Bai, who has the gift of sorcery and can inherit master's mantle.

Although I don't have such a special talent, I'm strong and Big. I've learned the martial arts taught by my master. It's not difficult for me to go to the mountains to hunt unarmed.

The life in the bamboo grove Pavilion is very beautiful. I can change a lot. With it comes lust and sexuality.

Master would often wash in the lake and stream. Under the cover of bamboo grove, I could vent my instinct while looking at the white body. For a long time, she was the object of my fantasy, and after many years apart.

In addition to Bu Xiahuai, the gradually mature Yi Bai is also gradually fascinating While I was imagining a lot of things, the relatives of Farm peace city came to me and explained their intention. After master had no objection, she let me leave here.

Yibai was still a little reluctant, but Master kept smiling. She must have found out about my masturbation. Sometimes when I thought about it, I would have a violent erection between her legs, and only after playing with it for many times could regain it peace.

It wasn't until a few days after the new year's beast came that master Bu suddenly came to visit me. When she saw my muscular body, she took out a piece of paper and asked me to prepare the materials on it happily.It's weird things like cinnabar, python gall and saffron.

[come to the bamboo grove Pavilion after the event, I will realize your wish]

"You can come in." When I heard master say this, I finally walked in after waiting in the guest room for a long time.

I haven't seen them for many years. I recognized YiBai at a glance. Her lovely face is still beautiful, but now she has a proud figure.

"It's you!" Yi Bai was both happy and surprised, "but master, what's the relationship between him and the suppression of Nian?"

Master Bu didn't rush to explain. She took the mat and gave it to me.

"Yi Bai, as Wuzhu, you and I have quite a lot of sorcery, which can protect us from the invasion of non-human forces."

"What has surrounded the bamboo grove Pavilion all the time is the master's power?"

Master Bu nodded and affirmed Yibai's question.

So that is what it is. I've been here for so many years, not to mention monsters and ghosts. I haven't even seen one of them.

"But even if the spell and mana of Nian have no effect on Wuzhu, its physical strength is enough to kill us."

Master Bu looked at me, "but ordinary people have no sorcery. Even if someone is very strong, he can't deal with Nian anymore. The only way is to combine you two into one."

“Combine into one?”

Yibai is a little confused. That's normal, just like me before.

"I will take your soul out of here, and he will put on your body so that the warrior with the power of sorcery can fight the Monster."

Although it's the second time I've listened to master's explanation, I still can't hide the agitation in my heart. I can use Yibai's body at will. I can treat her as my own thing and act recklessly…I carefully changed my sitting posture to cover my lower body with a violent erection.

"Is that really OK?"

Yi Bai's question brings me back to reality from my fantasy. I look down, hoping to cover up my inner desire. I clasped my hands and said nothing for fear that there would be any more flaws.

"He is ready, and be assured that your soul will be put in this Soul lantern. As long as it is supported by your sorcery, it will be indestructible, and the beast will not be able to do anything."

Slowly releasing the light, it seems that now it is driven by master Bu's sorcery.

She waved the brush in her hand and gently dipped the pigment in the wine dish - the raw material I had painstakingly collected.

"The soul separation spell will soon take effect, and the people in the city will be saved."

Yi Bai twisted her head and took off the clothes.

Clean and smooth back exposed in the moonlight, like a flawless scroll painting, my throat can not help but make a clattering sound.

Dragons and snakes follow Bu's writing brush,symbols that ordinary people can't understand are drawn on the scroll.

"Gee Ha... " Yi Bai holds her head and makes a painful sound with unknown meaning in his mouth. Such as silk like spine opened a hole, white delicate smoke overflowed.

Although I can't see the form, it should be Yi Bai's spirit body, thick as cotton wadding, continuous without separation. Under master Bu's guidance, all of them went into the Soul lantern.

The transparent lantern is only half a foot deep, but it continuously absorbs the spirit body and carries a capacity far beyond its appearance. If it is not for my absolute trust in master, I am even worried that it will explode.

Less than half a column of fragrant time, the original plump body gradually dried up.

But it's not like exhaustion, More like important parts are filtered out.

Through the back opening, I can clearly see the wrinkles in the cracks, ruddy and fresh, just like a girl's private scene.

Sometimes serious and sometimes naive eyes, but now empty, through which the moonlight and back cracks in the same light.

With an indescribable impulse to put her on,Master half leans on the doorpost and shows a positive smile.

It's great, it's excellent, it's magnificent!

Pulling up YiBai's skin, the smooth buttocks keep a plump feel. With the pressure of fingertips, it collapses up and down, and the body temperature comes from the skin, as if mixed with a fragrance——

Back and forth to stimulate my nerves and brains.

The soft objects in front of her chest, which have never been seen by outsiders, seem to be waiting for her new master.

I couldn't bear it. I gasped and tried to put my legs in.

Unlike on the skin, the heat in the skin is more abundant, and the gap between men's and women's physique is gradually reflected - my lower limbs almost enlarge her beautiful legs.

The feeling of closeness comes from the skin, tightening every inch of pores, and the uniform body temperature comes again. It's like bathing in the rich syrup with hot spring fragrance, while naked Yibai is playing and washing in the spring.

The blue and white scene is flashing, and I peep with the remaining light: in the Soul lantern, Yibai's spirit body has been formed, and she can clearly see her facial features, but there is a worry in her pretending calm.

"What's the matter? I can't move when Yi Bai stare at you?" Master Bu's voice came from his ear, "she can't open her mouth."

I shake my head, the answer is No.

This kind of shame that ordinary people should have. Men's self-esteem for becoming women has long been overwhelmed by a strong desire for domination. On the contrary, the attention of Yibai’s is the best seasoning, which makes my actions full of different kinds of happiness.

While thinking, the action on the hand did not stop.

Combine…In other words, the process of fusion is phased. After my lower thigh is completely incorporated, the skin will automatically discard the disharmony, the gap will be absorbed, and the physical size will be corrected.

After a short instant of paralysis, the legs that should belong to Yi Bai appeared in my crotch, moving with my will.

I caressed the round fingernails with a trace of cold, and my private parts swelled again, which was more violent than the masturbation when I peeped at Bu Xiahuai, and stronger than the nudity when I imagined Yibai Far beyond the past sense… A dreamlike scene exists in front of us.

Every inch of my body is absorbed by the friction of the inner wall of the skin, and the penis is no exception. The ripe and soft folds are rubbing on my waist and expanding again. The pleasure of rubbing before sexual intercourse comes again and again. I try to endure the critical happiness and continue to wear.

If I spray the lewd liquid into the gap between my body and skin, the sticky smell and feeling will be very disgusting. Of course, if there is not something important to do, such blasphemy is quite interesting.

I buried my upper body in it. There was no peculiar smell, only the smell of rain clouds after noon, which was very nice;Or maybe the interior of Yibai is as clean as new. It has no taste, but the smell of my sweat is full of it.

The soft inner wall is wrapped from all directions, without the feeling of suffocation. On the contrary, it is the strong sense of comfort that makes the brain a little floating, just like every inch is massaged by a virgin's private parts.

The weight of the chest is also obvious. Originally, it was just a water bag hanging on the waist. With the fusion, the touch is like a Parthenocissus, and the skin under the clavicle feels like a drop. This is an important part of the fantasy, but there is no way to fully grasp it. Yibai's hand is too small.

The delicate palm interacts with the tip of the breast. The numbness of micro pruritus makes me impatient, hoping to continue to complete the fusion.

The cool wind outside blows from the forehead, and the vision is no longer dark red, which is mostly restored to its original appearance.

It's just that the room is brighter and the wind is moving more clearly, and I can even see some of the flow of rich colors - probably Sorcery.

The world hasn't changed. It's me who has changed.

I fully possess the body of Yibai, feel and enjoy such a unique vision. Although she is much shorter, her arms are not as strong as they used to be, but the delicate skin magnifies the touch. The breeze teases my private part: it is also her soft and tender private part. The air flow rubs back and forth at the entrance of the labia and meets with some slight heat flow discharged from the gap.

"Put on your clothes first." Master Bu touched my head with a smile. I don't know whether it was because I was ashamed of lying on my side and exaggerating my posture, or whether the scene of arousing lust made my blood surge. After the long hair on my head was touched, it made me feel dry.

It's nice to feel light.

Skillfully dressed me, no, now I'm Yi Bai, playing with my posture in the bronze mirror.

It's going to be a battle with Nian soon, so it's very necessary to confirm your good health. After fusion, I not only retained the muscle strength of my original body, but also got the Sorcery of Wuzhu and the flexibility and agility of women.

I can fork my legs to the top of my head with a little force.

Yibai in the mirror is smiling, and the underwear between his hips is wet, which outlines clear lines.

"Remember to bring the soul lantern when you set out."

I nodded, and so did Yi Bai.

Three days later, the sky fireworks were bright in the night, and the Farm peace city were full of peace and joy.

In the applause of the crowd, Yi Bai stepped over the red silk and said hello to the people in the city. She held a huge horn in her hand, which was extremely sharp and faintly shining. The veteran recognized it as the horn of Monster Nian at the first glance.

He burst into tears, according to Yi Bai after what kind of fierce battle, can take down the beast's horn ah! A few days ago, the travelers of [Zhou-Yue Mountain road] heard the fighting and roaring from the mountains, which lasted all day and night But great, thanks to Wu Zhu, Farm peace city is saved!

Although many of the facilities in the city are still under repair, they are still overjoyed. After all, life will get better every day without Monster Nian. Relying on the grain stored in the barn, men, women, old and young can spend the winter safely.

Bu Xiahuai stood at the end of the red silk and waved. Yi Bai was overjoyed and ran to her and hugged her.

Farewell to the moving master and apprentice, full of laughter and moving.No one really noticed that Bu Xiahuai stroked Yi Bai through his clothes, and no one noticed Yi Bai's fingertips of teasing Xiahuai's private parts.

Back to two days ago, after the fusion, Yi Bai came to [Zhou-Yue Mountain road] with the soul lantern. After walking along the stone steps for half a day, she met Monster Nian.

Perhaps it is because of the sense of Sorcery, sleeping in the lantern Yi Bai woke up, she anxiously waiting for the duel that has not yet started.

“OoHhhhhhhhhhhhOoHhhhhhhOohhhHHHH…”Nian suddenly sat on the ground, "more punctual than expected."

"Flattered. I've been instructed by my master." Yi Bai sat down with his back to Nian, took off his boots and stepped on the bluestone directly.

Yi Bai's soul is full of confusion. She doesn't know why Nian can speak human words, why he said to deal with Nian together, but now he is communicating with the monster?

Why did master communicate with Nian? What seems to be the agreement?

The clothes that fell on the ground interrupted her thoughts, and the girl showed her round breasts, with no sense of shame at all.

"You've brought the agreed things?" Nian seems to be trying to restrain the size of the voice, but the echo still resounds through the whole mountain road.

"Right there." Yi Bai pointed to the lantern, "Don't worry, step by step according to the agreement."

"It doesn't matter, just follow the agreement."

Yi Bai went to Nian, pulled its pocket cloth, and its penis came out.

It's the same shape as ordinary people's penis, just the size…like the lotus root in the peak season, which made of iron!

Yi Bai kneels on her knees, opens her mouth to the maximum, and can barely serve. The male's strong smell is like strong wine, filling her throat. The sense of vomiting comes from time to time, but he breathes his dick more diligently.

Nian seems to be very satisfied with the service, and his breath becomes low.

"Pooo……", the white thick juice flushed her small mouth away, and the sticky things flowed from her cheek; this amount was four or five times more than that of ordinary people, and then it went down the clavicle, dotted with ruddy gullies.

"It's worthy of being Mr.Nian. You‘re still so energetic after shooting so much." Yi Bai lightly licks the tip, and the remaining semen overflows a lot.

"You little bitch, are you really a man inside?"

"It's really disappointing to talk. You can confirm whether I'm a man or not." Yibai lay flat on the ground and opened her soft privacy with his fingers.

“Puchiii”, the stout dick fell into her abdomen.

"Well! Top, top to the end... " The paw rubs the breast hard, but the strong feeling brought by the female sexual organ covers everything.

"It's worthy of Wuzhu. This pussy is really the best."

"Nian… Well… My lord… Please be gentle ……I……I…… "

Like a shrimp, Yi Bai stretches her back. Violent sexual intercourse brings her to the HIGH soon. A large amount of liquid from her private parts comes out.

It took a while for her to recover from her climax. While enjoying the lingering charm, Yibai also caresses his lower body, "ah A lot of semen is wasted. "

“OoHhhOoHhhhhhh…It's not because you're such a bitch”

"It's ALL my fault. Please do it again."

"Is this your attitude to me?" Nian's hands are in his chest and his face is full of banter.

"Please, my Lord! let me,a female dog have another mating."


"Woof! Woof! Play with my humble private parts!”Yibai bites her lower lip and lies on the ground like a dog. At the same time, she breaks off her own mess pussy.

"In that case, I will satisfy you!" It pushes the huge object in slowly, as if it were joking.

"Come on ❤ Give me... " Eyes lax in accordance with white, blurry pleading.

Nian grabs her braid and pulls it towards himself, and his dick sinks in at the same time.


"Hello, little girl..." Nian mentioned the soul lantern, "it seems that you don't understand what happened."

Every time burst in, Nian will speed up a little bit. It's such an interesting sex toy that he doesn't want to play bad by accident.

"Your master, Wuzhu, whose surname is Ding, I have known her for a long time. No reason to not believe these. I don't need to cheat. Decades ago, she betrayed her partner in order to let me give her a way to live. Since then, every 16 years, she will find me the purest [Soul of Wuzhu].I will become stronger if I absorb the spirit of Wuzhu! "

As he talked on and on, the work of his crotch didn't stop. The speed became faster and faster, and the pink inside of pussy could be seen.

"Of course, I won't treat that surname Ding badly. I'll give her any horn I fall off naturally. It's a magic drug for immortality."

"Gee ❤ Slow slow doon,L’m going to die soon... "

"Wuzhu's body is not so easy to break down!"

Yi Bai's buttocks were beaten a few times, with red marks. The pain made her twitch, but it gave both sides more intense pleasure.

"Say goodbye!" The sharp canine teeth chew open the edge of the soul lantern, and Nian sucks the spirit. It is rich and delicious. He doesn't want to waste a little!

"Orga-sm, huh ❤ Ooh!” Yibai wriggles her waist, which is the pleasure she couldn't enjoy in the past. Ten times of happiness is boiling her brain She passed out.

After tasting the soul , Nian find that the eyes of the female dog with blank eyes, spewing incense tongue, and had already lost consciousness after a long time. And he had already cum six times in her body unconsciously.

"That should be enough." Monster Nian wiped his mouth and was ready to get up. He was stopped by a coquetry.

“"It's not enough.Must be pregnant then the child will full of Sorcery energy..." In the afterglow of the climax her eyes are charming.Rubbing the huge objects back and forth with soft hands and breasts, and the erect nipples are walking back and forth.

The mountain road resounds with the howl of NIAN and Wuzhu, But the broken lartern is shining in the distance until a few days later…


Worked by Kerberus Studio


Monster Nian

Bu Xiahuai

Yi Bai

Thank you for watching! ^_^




Very good, interesting story


THX! Because I seldom translate articles into English, there may be some details that are not very good