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こんにちわ!お久しぶりです。仕事量は果てしなく多いようなので、いつものペースには戻れないと思います。でも、今週はなんとかクマリトル、クマロティアともに少しできました イエーイ!





You have been ordered to infiltrate 283 idol agency and destroy them from the inside. You must disguise yourself as one of their talents. Choose wisely.

hello, it's been a while! My workloads seems endless so I don't think I can return to the usual pace. However, I managed to do some for both Kumalittle and Kumalot Tier this week! Yay!

Well, let's play a little game. As mentioned before, you need to disguise as one girl from the illustration above. They belongs to an idol agency called 283 pro.

Choose one, tell me what is the reason you want to wear their skinsuit, and give me your scenario of how you will use their guise for your advantage (you might want to research about them a bit in g00gle). Put that in the comment section below, and I will choose one of them as the next Kumalittle content.

May the best win!




I think I would go with Kazono Hiyori. Fuyuko Mayuzumi and Madoka Higuchi I recognized but in the end I decided to go with Hiori <3 I never tried Skinsuits before so will be interesting wearing another girls skin over my body and I think if the infiltration team is full of men, then they will need help from a girl to help lead the way? 154cm is kind of cute, I'm around 160cm tall, having long hair will be awesome and I get to be a 15 year old girl again! Her personality is a bit more serious than mines but I should be able to impersonate her. Though my personality is closer to Fuyuko Mayuzumi... but I should be able to do a good job as Hiyori!


更新お疲れ様です。今回は選択制とのことだったので、杜野凛世を選びたいと思います。 理由はこういう貧乳気味で大人しい女の子が好きなのと、こういう子か乱れたときのギャップが良いんじゃないかと思ったからです。 したいことは、きっちり着込んだところで股間から男性器だけを露出させ、他の四人のうち誰かに『どうしよう、生えてきちゃった。あなたが口でシてくれないと収まらない』などと涙ながらに嘘を付き、半脱ぎの状態でフェラに持っていくこと。 向こうが必死にしてくれているのを、自分はニヤリと笑って見ている。 そんな感じのものをお願いしたいです。


I would choose Nanakusa Hazuki. She's the staff of the 283 pro, so she can approach other members easily. I want to see Hazuki x Meguru story with muddy and damp hentai situation. :)


I feel like i would be stuck with a bunch of guys who are too horny or too out of character to fulfil their role, kind of the situation where we are all putting on our suits and when I turn around, everyone is still putting on their suits, drolling and saying stuff like this smells nice, skin is soft and generally horny as hell leaving me with a will this be all right? Kind of reaction At least that is what my friend/partner said 😆 he said if we went in together he might choose someone like Madoka, Rinze or Fuyuko and would be out of character and horny and pervy when putting it on and wouldnt be able to focus on the mission