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1. 来月は大きなプロジェクトがあり、仕事が山積みになる。

2. 2. 来月中に仕上げなければならない漫画のプロジェクトが2つある。

3. 「コミケに行きたい」はすでに第一章が終了している(次の章のためのページをいくつか書いているので、以前のように毎週ではないけれど、まだ投稿すると言っている理由)。



It's already weekend!

Sorry for being late in delivering contents again, but here you go!

I really enjoy mimicking Kanokari's anime style, but it took me longer than I thought to finish these two pages. Coloring Mami-chan's hair is especially harder than Chizuru's because she has many shadings and gradients to begin with.

But I think I satisfied with the result.

By the way, here comes an early announcement. I will be taking hiatus from making fanbox content starting next month up until September. It will not be an absolute hiatus, as I may still posting something here, but it will not be in regular basis. The main reasons are:

1. My office works will be pilling up for the upcoming month due to big projects

2. I have two manga projects that needs to be done in upcoming months

3. The Comiket ni Ikitai is already finished its' first arc (I have wrote some pages for the next arc, that's why I say I will still posting them, though not in every week like it used to)

I will be making a public announcement before July 20th, but I think I will share this info first here so you guys can consider how your take on this earlier. Thank you for the understanding and have a nice day!




お請けいただきありがとうございます。原作もこんな風に見えるなあと思ったのと、Duokumaさんの画力で麻美ちゃん変装が観られてとても嬉しいです。 お仕事がお忙しいとのことで。無理せずリアルを優先していただければ。続きはゆるりとお待ちしております。

Imp Underneath

Love the comic, especially the lights of the city on the characters. I hope you can get some rest during your hiatus, although it sounds likes you will be very busy. I'll be looking forward to your return.

