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Edit: Added both "teasing" and flustered expressions. I'm gonna limit the amount of complications for this project just in case I want to add more to this piece/want to draw other things before this month is done. After all the longer I take in one thing the less time I have for doing other things. So there's only 2 unique pose. Roxanne in her witch costume proper with 1 hand pointing and then her arms as she progressively gets naked. Do you think the bikini part where Roxanne isn't wearing her hat/thighighs is a little redundant? ----------------------------------------------------- This all for now. By the way, I would like to ask, you know how many of these projects is just the character getting progressively more naked, right? What do you think the character's expression should be like when they are naked, like say Roxanne here? Befuddled like in the above lineart or sultry/seductive?




Sultry/seductive :3


I say she’s such a by the books early gym leader, that I see a nerd like her befuddled! My someone more confident down the line I’d imagine seductive, and she had the loon that could work for both! But I see her flustered!


Roxanne strikes me as being very flustered


Hmm for the additional part mentioned on the post edit, red would contrast well for the bikini. :)