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  • WIP-TheAceOfNaranja.mp4



I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I went all the way. Well, the hard part is over. This pseudo-VN is somewhat setup already after fiddling with it, alongside actually drawing the scenes. and I've got a good feel for Renpy now after more than a decade of not coding. Y'know, I aspired to make VNs and videogames back then. First part, the set-up, is done. Second part is the drama where Nemona explains why she likes you and shows off her body. This is where the full video ends. The last part is hopefully image-only as Nemona has sex with (You). I don't think I have the writing prowess in narrating sex scenes VN-style. II hope you can understand. As for if I'll release this as a "VN" later. I don't think so. For context, I cam up with this idea while deciding to crop the images that would soon become the first few CGs of this :Nemona VN" to fit Twitter's way in cropping/posting images. It eventually morphed into this because I refused to redo it into a manga/doujin version. But I did however imagine how this scenario played out. Imagine this: "It has been a couple of years since (You) became Champion and it is Nemona's last year before she graduates, in fact graduation is only three days away. With the clock ticking, (You) come to terms with you feelings for Nemona and your future with her or without her as rivals, friends, and maybe something more."




It's no problem. This is pretty nice and cute as it is. A nice visual novel like setup. Very nice job with the scene flow, dialogue and music. The idea sounds very good and I hope you can continue with it some more. Love the concept!


What a fun little project!


I can't wait to see the whole thing. This has been great