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This is my Fanbox so I'd like to air my frustrations a bit. Don't worry, there's something for you at the end.

Well it looks like I won't be able to once again finish that Marnie and Lillie grinding project. After the disappointing reception of the first part of the Marnie and Lillie in a Nightgown project in Pixiv, DeviantArt, and Twitter, I kind of started losing my confidence in my abilities and worked on coloring the lineart in duress and have in fact made so many revisions already to no avail. Add to the shock that my follower count on Twitter which I use to make my work and hopefully this Fanbox more visible, has not only stagnated (actually started during the Irida comic project, you can only imagine the complete dismay I had, it is the reason why I started this Marnie and Lillie project) but has now declined despite my consistent output. I have tried drawing a different continuation where a man is having sex with Lillie while holding an offscreen Marnie's hand and hopefully vice-versa. But I was so frustrated with the results that I just scrapped it all.

Anyway, I decided to take a break, it would just be a couple of days. But first off, I would like to ask everyone here suggestions on what they would like for me to draw after I return barring that it isn't Lillie or Marnie. Apparently, I have overestimated their popularity and/or my own abilities. Maybe we can get something good out of this though it is likely a turnaround for my Twitter account is never coming.

The alternate continuation in question.




Some nemona in your style would be 10/10


Honestly Champion Iris in your style would be pretty amazing! But for real you should be more confident in yourself, your works straight amazing! Like frustration and blocks are normal, but I feel a lot of Pixiv and Twitter snags on their end have been hurting everyone! Like people are legit leaving both sites cause of their bad decisions, it’s not on you as an artist!


It makes me sad reading that you are not very happy recently. Your artstyle is one of the best in the western Pokemon Artwork Community. I'm not saying this to boost your ego, it's my honest opinion. Twitter is just very random. Trainers i personally enjoy are Mina, Korrina, Maylene....but in the end, i love almost every trainer!


dont worry if you not like or something, do your best and we will support you


Sad that it won’t be completed, the continuation ideas sound amazing but I’m glad that you’re doing what you think is right. If you want popularity I suppose I’d have to say Cynthia is probably the best bet or continuation of lolified characters


I’d also recommend maybe not following Masters releases as much, unique outfits are a different situation but for a character like Irida she was likely more popular at the release of Legends Arceus rather than her introduction in Masters


Sad to see that you are feeling down about this all but Twitter does seem to be pretty actively dying out as it keeps running in to lots of continuing issues so that could explain some of that part anyway. I think your work is amazing and that's why I support you so hope to see you continue to make wonderful work in the future but sometimes breaks are really needed otherwise you can feel burned out even if you are working on a passion so I hope you have a good break and start feeling a bit better about everything. As for suggestions after returning I'd personally love to see art of Melany who despite having a great design is usually overshadowed by Nessa and Bea from the same generation not that I can blame anyone either because those two are popular characters for a reason so if not Melany then one or both of Nessa and Bea might be a good choice for a new work.


To be frank, you shouldn't do things because of popularity or for the numbers. May be easy to say for me, but that's just a straight path into frustration and disillusionment, and you're seeing it right here. Your art is great. So are your concepts and the focus on a sensual but romantic approach. That's fairly rare and you do a great job. You should keep doing it if you like to do it. That should be your main motivation. It's not bad to aim for bigger numbers, but that's going to plateau at some point, so it shouldn't be your only motivation. People who like your stuff will stay supporting you. In any case, I hope you can find a way out of this rut. A break is always good to have. As for what I would like... would be nice to see more Iris or Selene, but anything you do is good for me for the most part. Keep your chin up and best of luck on everything.


Another Hilda in your style would be great! Or even better, Black and White from the Pokemon Adventures manga having sex


Please don't underestimate yourself I've been a fan of your work for a while and everything you had posted have been amazing I hope one day you choose to continue this project. Any project you decide to start and make would be great for me. I would like to suggest maybe a loli Serena project. It would look so good with your art style


Honestly, Twitter is pretty much dead (and it's technically not even Twitter anymore, just to make it even more clear), so the decline is probably just from people leaving the platform. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. My advice: Draw because you want to draw, not because you think it will bring you followers. Otherwise you'll just burn yourself out and lose passion. Anyway, I'd suggest some girls, but none of them are that popular, so just draw whoever you want.