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It's special because I don't know what to do with it. When there was a lull when drawing the Irida comic say I finished the lineart but don't want to color it yet I started redrawing this. This "project" began two years ago back when Marnie and Lillie were the top girls of the Pokemon games but couldn't draw them well. So I've abandoned it. I've been wondering what to do with it, whether I should continue drawing it as is or change the characters like turning them to Serena and Millefeui grinding on Ash, or just making them both Lillies to coincide with that Journeys episode where there two Lillies. I didn't know what to do after months of drawing Irida, so I just decided to finish it. If this were to be a project for real I would have to draw something else completely as a complement to this and that would probably take a lot more time, something we don't have when the Masters update seems so close. What can you do?




Personally would love to see this finished. Making this a standalone piece would work well. I see what you mean on adding a complement piece though.


Wow wow what a powerful combo yeees!


Honestly, just seeing this one completed would be great.


Would love to see this one such a great duo