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Unzip Password: skinsuit2022 解压密码:skinsuit2022 Because of the leaking of some of the user account, I need to update only on some old posts to see if I can avoid the potential leaking. So please get the comic in this post: 1080 and 1250 tiers should use different links here that 1250 tier has the reward link: 1080 tier: https://ytsnow.fanbox.cc/posts/2847385 1250 tier: https://ytsnow.fanbox.cc/posts/3369060 And please change your passwords if you have time! Thank you! And please change your passwords if you have time! Thank you! And please change your passwords if you have time! Thank you! 由于近期发生的账号泄露,我只能在过去的更新上更新,来观察是否可能规避有可能的泄露,希望大家体谅,请在下面这个链接获取漫画: 1080和1250的档位请使用下面不同的链接,1250的里面有本月额外奖励,当然这个链接下个月就会失效~ 1080 tier: https://ytsnow.fanbox.cc/posts/2847385 1250 tier: https://ytsnow.fanbox.cc/posts/3369060 同时,请尽快修改密码! 同时,请尽快修改密码! 同时,请尽快修改密码! Still this notice again: PLEASE DON'T POST THE COMIC ON PUBLIC SITES OR FORUMS. And don't share the PDF files or Google Drive Links. Thank you so much! Thank you so much! 还是老话:求求大家不要随意分享漫画到公开网站或者qq群之类的,万分感谢! 感谢大家的支持! Please don't share the comic in the public websites.




breakout进展到这里基本就完结了,作者也在最后提到下一步完结。我知道作者很喜欢做各种剧情反转,不过这一部就这样完结最好了,里面的人物模型我相当喜欢,以后再出的话可以考虑出一些单纯的玩法或者剧情前传。剧情反转什么的就留给little sister吧。