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Just finished the hard work and now I have some time for rendering. I‘m so sorry that I had too many things to do last month and the work progress was delayed. First I'll finish the July and August's bonus reward as soon as possible. The July's bonus comic is the Skinsuit Vendor Bonus, the skinsuit vendor theme can have many potential ways to try new things. The August's bonus comic is Club Bonus 3 as I said before. It will tell what Henry did with the skinsuit. The September update will be Breakout 6. And the September reward will be Judy Bonus 4 part 2, because I found many friends love this one so I decided to continue this. Hope you like them and keep tuned! And please keep safe of your account which is under danger of being stolen. Thank you for you support and keep happy and safe! 上个月太忙了,这几天终于忙得差不多了,可以开始做漫画。非常抱歉上个月实在是事情太多了,耽误了许多工作。 首先我会尽快完成七月和八月的额外奖励,七月的额外奖励是Skinsuit Vendor的番外,我觉得这个贩卖机的潜力还是很大的。 八月额外奖励是上个月所说的,Club番外,会讲述主角的基友会用这个性感女人的身体做些什么。 九月的主漫画更新是Breakout 6。 九月的额外奖励是Judy Bonus 4的第二部分,因为很多人都表示比较喜欢这个,所以决定进行一个后续的制作。 同时也再次恳求一次:不要在网络上分享漫画,也要注意保护自己账号的安全。 感谢大家的支持,同时希望大家注意安全!

