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I tried to prevent but there are still someone posting my works on piracy sites. I don't have more ways to fight against this... And my friend told me this thing when I just finish this work. Then I wanted to post this work in 2 or 3 parts to prevent the piracy. But I think post the whole story is always a better way for you to read it. So I still post the whole comic. So I beg you here: PLEASE DON'T POST THE COMIC ON PUBLIC SITES OR FORUMS. Even you want to prove that you are supporting me, you can post your screenshot of your account page. But don't share the PDF files or Google Drive Links. Thank you so much! I'll post another post to talk about this thing again, because this is really important for me... I hope you can understand. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to this work, it's more like a short act. I want to put some of my characters together and introduce some new characters. And I really like the theme of photo shooting. When I started the Patreon, I made a short comic called Cosplay. And I hope it will be good series story. Which can link the characters together. However, the story is a little weak in this work. But I put much effort on the render quality. So I hope you love this work! About Feb. I'm going to my parents place to spend the Chinese New Year, which is Feb. 11th. I'll start making new comic after the festival. I'll finish the Skinsuit Vendor first and then Little Sister 4. Besides, I have a plan to make a short comic as a gift for the Patrons who paid for February. But I don't know if the time is enough. So I can't make sure that I can finish it. I'll try my best! Finally, thank you for your support and keep safe! Please PLEASE don't post the pdf on the public sites! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文开头加粗的都是控诉盗图的,又有内鬼把漫画发在公开网站上了……求求大家不要随意分享漫画到公开网站或者qq群之类的,万分感谢! 关于这部作品,把一部分之前的角色放在了一起联动了一下,而且我个人比较喜欢这种角色(皮物)扮演然后进行摄影的题材,所以就做了一部出来。同时也是对之后的故事角色进行一个预告。希望大家喜欢。 2月的安排,过年之后开工,先把Skinsuit Vendor第二部分做完,然后是Little Sister 4. 之后可能会专门为2月份进行过赞助的朋友制作一个小短篇作为礼物,不过作为计划,我不确定时间够不够,所以之后看情况,不过会尽力的。 最后,预祝大家新年快乐,注意安全! 万望不要分享到网站或qq群!




