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I just made this one and I put much effort on the wearing scenes. I also tried some new lighting for this comic, hope you like it! As I said before, I will make what I want to make the most when making a new comic. I think I can make works better when I do this. And about this comic: This comic may have two parts, I'll start making part two from next week because I have some other jobs to do this week. I’ll make some single pages in the spare time of this week. I really love this skinsuit vendor idea. In the future, I plan to make more stories around this kind of machine. Like a "Skinsuit Mystery Box" or some other kind of machines. Please keep tuned. Finally, please don't post the work to public sites or piracy sites, thank you so much! And thank you for your support and please keep safe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 正如之前所说,我打算每次只做自己最想做的那一部,这样质量会更好一些,所以又开了个新坑……希望你们喜欢这部! 关于这部漫画: 计划有两个部分,我会在下周开始制作第二部分,因为这周会有许多其他事情,打算这周有空的时候制作一些单张的图。 另外我自己很喜欢这个皮物贩卖机的想法,所以之后可能会围绕这个机器制作更多的故事,并且引入一些其它类型的,比如“盲盒”之类的,希望你们能喜欢。 最后再次重申:请不要在qq群,公开网站等地方分享我的付费漫画,万分感谢! 感谢大家的支持,最近疫情凶狠抬头,大家注意安全!

