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I planned this story and at the beginning I want to make a 100 page comic, but when I was discussing the story with others I added many details to the story, so it finally became longer. And because I'm going on a business trip for a week, I decided to post the first part before the Halloween. This part can also be regarded as a whole story. I‘ll finish the second part soon after I return. And please please don't post the work to public sites or piracy sites, thank you so much! Thank you so much! Thank you for your support and please keep safe. Happy Halloween! 本来计划是做一个100页左右的,但是最后各种讨论,变成了将近大约300页的长度,但是现在只做了200页左右,明天还要出差一周多,所以进行了一些编辑,变成了两部分,在万圣节之前更新第一部分,出差回来之后尽快完成并且发布第二部分。 一个请求:请不要在qq群,公开网站等地方分享我的付费漫画,万分感谢! 最后感谢大家支持,大家注意身体健康,万圣节快乐!


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