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Hello everyone, I am making this post to explain some information regarding the next tier of 2200 yen called "Leena Tier".

First of all, I myself dont have much time every month to rest after each story, in example, after I finish making this MTF story, I'll have around 2-3 days of rest before I start with Lyra's Chronicles monthly, after that I have 5 days or so of rest before I start the next main story. Why am I telling you this? Because I want to make you understand that this new tier is not something" to gain more benefits than the previous tier", it's more about to let people support me more.

That's why I also promised that in this new tier, I would make some kind of new reward that would allow me to actually deliver the reward while also giving me enough time to rest, and that reward is that I would make a Slave Soldier based upon your descriptions! That is of course, in a limited field of options, because as I said earlier, almost no time. This way I would be able to make a large amount of different Slave Soldier so it would be unique for everyone, I will post detailed info tomorrow or some other day, don't worry that everyone will have all the info needed before subbing to the new tier and after subbing I will make the character as promised.

When will I make these characterd that the supporters describe me?

I have planned to make each wave of characters every first 5 days of each month, those are my free days, but I'm sure I can make a lot of them in time. Want to know what's best? At the end of each main story I will make a whole page (or more if needed) with all the slave soldiers making different poses showing the name of each supporter. Something like an extra page of only "Leena Tier" supporters.

Any other benefits except this new Slave soldier benefit?

Not really, just the thought that you're supporting me more than the rest and I'll be more than thankful that you're supporting me more.

EDIT: Why the slave soldiers at all?

I forgot to mention it in this post, but I did mention it in a post around a month ago. The slave soldiers done this way, will appear in the chapters of the main series of "The Light In The Dark"! This way I will also have more variety with males and female characters!

Any more questions you may have, please ask them, I will be more than glad to answer them.




why not including the slave soldiers of the supporters in the series as background characters or random one (like the one she is fighting at night) ? could be cool to see his own character do a cameo in the series i think


I forgot to mention this. The supporters will be part of the minions in the series!


The light in the dark part 3? When? Can't wait for update :)