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Hello everyone, I have been thinking recently about making a new higher tier than the Fully Corrupted tier, and what benefits it would have if I made such a tier. And today, I had an idea! Everyone seems to love "The Light In The Dark", and I am very happy that everyone loves it, so why don't I make a new tier with a unique benefit? It might be a little overkill for me, but I don't consider it to be too time consuming of a benefit for everyone to use. Without any further delay, I present to you the Leena Tier!

The benefits are the following:

- Same benefits as the Fully Corrupted Tier.

- Appear on the extra thank you page only for Leena Tier supporters.

- Have a "custom" minion to appear in the story of "The Light In The Dark"!

Now, everyone must be losing their minds or getting confused after reading the "custom minion" to appear in the story, let me explain what I mean by that. In every chapter of TLITD, there are a lot of minions. Like, A LOT. In the last chapter, I had to reuse models from other stories and give them the minion outfit, so it would fit in and look good. With this tier, I would allow people to make their own minions and help me with minion variety! This way, it will look like Leena has actually turned more people into her slaves!

Okay, let's head into the actual specifics of what a minion can be:

First of all, the models for the minions will have the same body, with a little modification so they don't all look the same. Everyone will have to choose from one of three sizes:

- Mae Size Minion

- Lyra Size Minion

- Alice Size Minion

These sizes also apply to male characters!

After you choose the size, you will just describe to me what kind of hairstyle you want, and the color of your hair. And then, the minion will be made and will appear in the next TLITD chapter (If possible, of course. If there are 30 different minions, the priority will be in chronological order), and their models will also appear at the end of every main story after the list of Fully Corrupted Tier!

Just in case, I will also specify the options that you can NOT choose when making your minion:

- You will NOT be able to add a dick to a female minion.

- You will NOT choose to be a Slave Maiden.

- You will NOT be able to send me a Koikatsu character to make it into a model.

Maybe there will be more restrictions in the future as people register for this new tier.

When will you activate this new tier?

Not yet, I want to ask for everyone's opinion on this new tier I have planned first. Please, fill in the following form to help me decide if this new tier should be added or not.

One more time I'll say thanks everyone for your constant support, and thank you for giving me your opinion! Oh, and Leena will love it for sure to turn you all into her minions~




Honestly, I think it’s a good idea. It’s actually an idea that also have