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Hello everyone! I am making this post just in case some people didn't see the post I made on Discord. I have yet not started doing MTF because of my sleeping schedule. I have been going to sleep very late and waking up very late too, which I didn't like at all and wanted to fix it as soon as possible, this is why I haven't started working on MTF yet, but don't worry, I have planned how the story will develop, so once I start, I'll be able to work pretty fast. To make this clear, I have been making good progress in fixing my sleeping schedule, I'm getting sleepy earlier, making me go to sleep earlier, which I can wake up even earlier! This is helping me getting better quality sleep too, I feel way more rested and less frustrated to wake up late. So in short, I just wanted to let everyone know, everything's going fine! I will start working on making pictures next Monday 10th of April, and I'll start doing the characters this Friday 7th. I hope everyone having a nice easter! Have a nice weekend too!



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