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Hello again, everyone! I just posted the first update of MTF and here I am with MOOORE news for YOU to read! (wow!!)

This time is about how I will work with the stories left to do before the year ends with the spectacular ending of Velzea's Invasion (Yes, that's ending, forever. No new season or anything.)

So, right now I'm working with MTF, which will more or less be finished around the 18th of this month (maybe). When that is done, I will start doing a collab with Ribimura! We already have the story all written down and ready, all that's left to do is actually take the pictures! It shouldn't be a long story, so it won't take more than three or four days.

After these two stories, I'll start making the final chapter of Velzea's Origins! You will get to see how Velzea turned into the Succubus Queen and what happened to Metzea afterwards... That story will start around the 21st or so, maybe a bit later. Now here is where things change, because I want this story to go as smoothly as possible. This monthly will take as long as it needs, with the deadline being the 5th of December at the latest. Why? Because I don't want to feel stressed about this story nor do I want to rush it.

And yes, as you may have guessed, after that story I will start the final chapter of Velzea's Invasion! Velzea's Invasion Final Chapter will start on the 11th of December no matter what, and then it will take me as long as needed to finish it with the deadline being around Christmas, so 2 weeks for me to make the story. This will be the final chapter of the main series of Velzea's Invasion, at the end of the year.

Just in case, here's a little rundown of this wall of text I have just written:

Stories that are left and their schedule:

- MTF Episode 11: Clerys' Plan (Currently working)

- Ribimura Collab: Starting 18th of November approximately.

- Velzea's Origins Part 3: Starting 21st of November approximately.

- Velzea's Invasion Final Chapter - Noriko's True Resolve: Starting 11th of December.

Thanks for reading this wall of text, you're awesome! And if you didn't, you're cool too!

Thanks for your support, see you in the next post!




oh no just not the end of Velzeas this is the best history 😭😭


Velzeas?No... most"corrupting feeling"story In fact




I think I know what you mean. And no, only Velzea Invasion will end, MTF and Velzea will keep on going.