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Alright! Another day, another set of pictures! I've been working really hard lately, the story is turning out to be great, although the amount of pictures per story is also increasing, hehe. So far I've done 674 pictures, and there are still around 100-150 left to do. But trust me, it's all worth it! This will be a great "end of 2022" for TTIBAS. Anyway, enough excuses, here's some info about what you can see on the pictures: It doesn't look good for Yuuki so far, it looks like she's being controlled by Claire with that suit, or could it be the crest on her forehead? or both? Who knows! Also it seems that Claire is fully controlling Annie now with that hood she's wearing, does this mean that Claire's offspring has fully fused with Annie and is now completely controlling her? We'll see next update!



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