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Pixiv Post: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99030768

Hello! Someone contacted me on Pixiv and told me that he wanted to translate MTF series! Now, since I can't really know the quality of the translation, I'll be posting the censored version link for free, and probably the future translations too, but censored version (The first chapter of MTF doesnt need censoring)

The link contains 152 pictures in PNG format with 1080p resolution (I didn't do 4k back then). Enjoy!

MEGA Link: https://mega.nz/folder/etwQUYgR#WJmsLS6OptzgvqzKCoeLJw

MEGA Key: WJmsLS6OptzgvqzKCoeLJw




very nice!You're so nice to your fans


Great story, looking forward to the follow-up.