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Hello there! Sorry for not doing an update yesterday, I'm just a really forgetful person, I swear! Anyway, I've been working really hard these days, but not too hard, I've learned to make a schedule for myself so I don't burn out from work. So far it's been working really well! You can see it on this update, Clerys managed to anger Heltia so much that she revealed her true form, the form of the Succubus Queen! The last time Heltia was in this form, she destroyed a whole city all by herself when she went berserk. And to attack Heltia's true form, Clerys prepared a special dagger and stabbed it on the ground, activating a sacred divine spell! What is going to happen!? You'll have to wait till next update coming tomorrow (If I remember) or in two days! Thanks for your support! ^^

