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Pixiv Post of the project: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97316428

March has been a weird month for me, on February, "That website" gave me a lot of trouble and made it hard for me to concentrate in my work. But now, I see that more and more people from "That website" is going to Fanbox, which is basically better. In terms of projects, the long awaited sequel of Velzea Invasion was released. As you may have read, I really wanted to progress on Shiroi's corruption, to show that the crystal in her womb is slowly taking control of her, trying to make her fall for its powers. And then Kuro, in this chapter we could also see that she is the "heart" of the duo, she cares a lot about Shiroi because she is her partner and she doesn't know what she would do without her. Lastly, we also met a new Velzea Elite, Feshen (Feshie for Kuro), she is a new and powerful enemy that will bring trouble to our beloved heroines. On the monthly special, I gifted everyone the story of how Chris entered the "DarkFlame's Succubus Almanac" and was played with by our four favorite succubi: Yuuki, Lean, Velzea and Alice. In that story I also revealed what could be seen as Alice's older sister, although she will appear on the main story sometime later.

Plans for April! I'm going to start the month by doing the next TTIBAS chapter, now that we know how Claire, Alice's succubus rival, became one. I can't really reveal what will happen, but I can tell you that Yuuki is going to get a surprise while she's invading someone else's dream, something that will anger Alice. Oh, and Mae will be back and have more screen time, I have plans for her, and I also have unrelated plans for her mother, Ms. Advisor. About April's Monthly Exclusive, no, it's not going to be Velzea, it's going to be the 2nd chapter of Lyra's Chronicles. After she rescued that woman from the tentacle cave, she headed to meet Celeste, the exorcist that will help Lyra get rid of the cursed tentacle clothes she has on her.

And that's all for the recap/plans. I also have planned to have a little bit of a vacation on June, I'll basically skip the monthly exclusive for June. I need some off time from time to time.

Thanks for reading, and as always, thanks a lot for the support! And if you can't support me, don't worry! I'm glad enough that you can ready my stories.




I'm glad your feeling optimistic after that trouble with that site. Here's to a bright future! Take care of yourself. :)


I am happy that they are doing well! I'm already looking forward to the stories that will be outstanding! You are just great, thanks for these stories! Greetings: Ruby 🤗


I'm also looking forward hearing your comments and opinions about my stories!