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Hello! I've noticed that I haven't done this yet so, here's all the links you should have if you're subscribed to the Lean Plan! This post will be updated every time I release a new project.


Part 1: https://mega.nz/folder/S0QnzaTZ#tPotH5DdhjDqRbHRvBmPxg

Part 2 - Homecoming: https://mega.nz/folder/KpJ0STQR#pi8-nKv2iy9zdLXWm0fDwQ

Part 3 - Rebirth: https://mega.nz/folder/isZCFBJK#V8v6d_50xOAuClwOWIIxEA

Part 4 - Prisoner of Lust: https://mega.nz/folder/74Z3XCTY#BkZAQhB8WfFPV2WhXseWOw

Part 5 - Lust for Power: https://mega.nz/folder/fwxGkIYT#C4I3edPmqM_i0_4Dzaoybg

Part 6 - Holy Corruption: https://mega.nz/folder/igQFHYZb#WiOgt63sox9O4rd5LYnhyQ

Part 7 - The Arrival: https://mega.nz/folder/m5o0wKhZ#Cwz9TUab3fd8m0PZF2gd-Q

Part 8 - Dark Origins: https://mega.nz/folder/3wRmQJSL#_zbYPSs9YJ1vrpX3xEtA4Q

Part 9 - Revelation: https://mega.nz/folder/agQlDYqQ#ExQdzTzPlctFSJUZd9phCA

Part 10 - Convergence: https://mega.nz/folder/S4AkjBDA#cTuBxCczVZUfeMZRLVIHTw

Part 11 - Clerys' Plan: https://mega.nz/folder/q0gg0QII#44_1wEG_hnDpLn4QXzbO2Q

Part 12 - All Pray Clerys: https://mega.nz/folder/X9xACY4b#O93ZaWgNOVb94AvsO19YcA

Part 13 - Clerys Paradise: https://mega.nz/folder/7pIxnZjS#E53xJ7yE_-Ml513rc-3LjA

Part 14 - Her Legacy: https://mega.nz/folder/zl4EySRa#mmHChpryFIGZyJQYWLlyoA

Part 15 - Yuuki: https://mega.nz/folder/O8ZwkBrB#EUCjJNgz0b2L7T1COgTkqw


Part 1: https://mega.nz/folder/DgJzVAbL#grdYsi7mS2buzWnNqpD7tQ

Part 2 - Heat: https://mega.nz/folder/G9BjjYTT#tViWpjT_WmorgEWRKzl7bg

Part 3 - The Training: https://mega.nz/folder/KsInUATa#apGV1ubrDaY6PItHLMn6JA

Part 4 - The Release: https://mega.nz/folder/T8IGnBoA#niqsuZQuC4K2gWWOxSgUew

Part 5 - 1st half - Deep Desire: https://mega.nz/folder/vgwCADYT#PMBSSr-a9cPVuCXvZVKBpQ

Part 5 - 2nd half - Lovely Corruption: https://mega.nz/folder/y1olQQ5Z#khjp8xCh-kSTh2DB7mpMeg

Part 6 - Yuuki's New Toy: https://mega.nz/folder/70wkRQZA#DyhGh3UxjxW8cJ8Oozx4uA

Part 7 - Consequences: https://mega.nz/folder/T5hWjKJI#Fqk111ivDwtqbhizTnGtOg

Part 8 - Dark Desire: https://mega.nz/folder/nhpQBQ5Q#l_BjvdujHW23gh-tKZA8LA

Part 9 - The Lovely Puppet: https://mega.nz/folder/WwhxkShT#rSBPuPIZIq-wg25oMa8SLw

Part 10 - Yuuki’s Rebirth: https://mega.nz/folder/apIjFKoI#QkkIuBo1yiY7agDm8AqI4Q

Part 11 - Alice’s Mistake: https://mega.nz/folder/TxhBTRDI#45ow3aLiCrmWjI_MwnF_sw

Part 12 - The New Mistress: https://mega.nz/folder/utoTlAbT#QZjgsI4U65YTs_9tKsZIWg

Part 13 - Missed Your Big Sis?: https://mega.nz/folder/v0A10ahA#x9Fja9N8m6vwnngvurFaLA

Part 14 - Yuuki: https://mega.nz/folder/zl4EySRa#mmHChpryFIGZyJQYWLlyoA

Velzea Invasion:

Season 1-

Episode 1: https://mega.nz/folder/Xg5AFSaK#ufcizCpSioNxyUEXSAJjlQ

Episode 2: https://mega.nz/folder/O0BlGYYZ#_d3zoOCQNi7dncNWZFWZrA

Season 2-

Episode 1: https://mega.nz/folder/aogUhYbJ#JeOEMtpIjNq_BjOytpWBgg

Episode 2: https://mega.nz/folder/b5wU1BRR#xAQiWCYaR4moDjdaAkcCvA

Episode 3: https://mega.nz/folder/X1YUiTzI#z56uUatcIV_ieTRGYiJc7A

Episode 4: https://mega.nz/folder/6xog2RLL#Qo4N-eeyAiNIGx6YLWHldQ

Episode 5 - Finale: https://mega.nz/folder/jspkjA7S#52jdcMZDMkluJOmw8JdO5g

The Light In The Dark:

Episode 1 - Wonderful Pain:


Episode 2 - In Someone Else's Shoes


Episode 3 - The Light of Dawn


Episode 4 - Cyber Persuasion


Monthly Specials - 2021:

January 2021: https://mega.nz/folder/qwAHmY5Z#ZA7GEoP7zfHJaOdboLbVGQ

February 2021 - Alice's First Victim: https://mega.nz/folder/ugAlRA6L#l9bOhDzYCdIM0-T7RAhq_Q

March 2021 - Haruka's Wedding: https://mega.nz/folder/W4JzCSjL#Nd6B15zWt2y1uO8hTGAhzA

April 2021 - The Luminous crystals of Light: https://mega.nz/folder/Xg5AFSaK#ufcizCpSioNxyUEXSAJjlQ

May 2021: It doesn't exist, I got COVID and needed rest!

June 2021 - Shining Stars: https://mega.nz/folder/O0BlGYYZ#_d3zoOCQNi7dncNWZFWZrA

July 2021 - Endless Dungeon: https://mega.nz/folder/b0gQyaoB#TF9OSRt7DCTQLp97u-VuaQ

August 2021: I was taking a rest this month, so there's no Monthly!

September 2021 - Eris Betrayal: https://mega.nz/folder/G0g3zSSS#8Enz8cqZTEyYycmEX8Kuqw

October 2021 - The Latex Maiden: https://mega.nz/folder/Gs4lFKLK#JeorK-vj31A-hKhnzC09aQ

November 2021 - Lyra's Chronicles: Episode 1: https://mega.nz/folder/uogSDZqC#OrkoSG3mzZ5e16pmwwhslQ

Monthly Specials - 2022:

January 2022 - The Pleasure That Follows: https://mega.nz/folder/noRjSSjQ#6ubTSAllA6MYHnU4UnbpGA

February 2022 - The Masked Fate: https://mega.nz/folder/H4pQnCTB#OwO8OPr_hgjeu2IxdeclPw

April 2022 - Lyra’s Chronicles chapter 2:


May 2022 - Velzea’s Origin Part 1:


August 2022 - Velzea's Origins Part 2:


September 2022 - Hard Drive broke, couldn't work.

October 2022 - Lyra's Chronicles chapter 3:


November 2022 - Velzea's Origins Part 3:


Monthly Specials - 2023:

February 2023 - The Other Me:


March 2023 - Lyra Chronicles - Episode 4 - The Training:


April 2023 - The Unexplored (Part 1):


May 2023 - Succufusion 2.0:

Free to Download.

June 2023:

None, I was celebrating my birthday!

July 2023 - Lyra's Chronicles - Episode 5:


August 2023 - The Unexplored: Conclusion:


November 2023 - Cass Against the Machines:





Great to have everyting in single post! Would it be possible to post somewhere else than Mega? I'm having troubles downloading the stuff with Free plan. It is slow and corrupts images. I'm fine with just low-res JPEGs.


Sorry if it sounds rude but, I can't, my projects are heavy and there are a lot of them. Posting all of them and doing another post like this would be too much work. You can check e-hentai, I post all my projects there!