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Pixiv Post: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92411798

Hello everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting! Just as my one month vacation is about to be over, I proudly announce that my usual work will resume this September!

For this month, I'm working on the next part of TTIBAS where we'll see Yuuki in action. Unlike Alice, who is a dominant type of succubus that will turn you into her slave and forces you to do her bidding just to earn the chance of receiving her 'reward'. Yuuki is a more 'passive' type. Do you want to know what sort of succubus Yuuki is? We'll find out in the next part!

As for the end of month pics, I haven't polished the idea yet, but it MIGHT be something involving a succubus, thief, and lots of sucking... or something along those lines. That's the rough idea, at least. Look forward to it!

On these links you can find the uncensored project in PNG and JPEG!

MEGA Link: https://mega.nz/folder/T9oGjCyA#bLUegItWNoIZaYKeVeCHSw




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