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Here is the voting results for last month:


※Green bar is the accumulated votes from previous months

Machine theme is way too OP aaaaaaa. Let's see if Orbi can redeem himself in this new experiment of his ᐖ. Below is the vote accumulation statistics:


機械題材太強了啊啊啊啊啊啊。讓我們來看看這次Orbi是否能靠新實驗證明自己呢 ᐖ。以下是目前票數累積的統計:

1. 【Part-Time Job】 - 14

2. 【Be Quiet!】 - 20

3. 【Newbie】 - 13

4. 【Our Toy】 - 9

5. 【Accident】 - 0

6. 【Character Setting | 角色設定】 - 18

7. 【Watch & Learn】 - 7

8. 【New】 - 1

✨My internship is finally over! Now I just need to finish a presentation plus a 3,500 words essay this month then I should be able to graduate ・゚・(つω`゚)・゚・


✨Some progress for my doujin :3! I've been pushing myself to draw one page of draft everyday last month after I finished my swimming content. Good news is I'm done drawing out drafts for two pages of my script, bad news is there's still five more pages to go XD.


✨I've been invited by BLits Game to participate as a guest artist in their artbook for their new game "Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster Season"! I'm super honored and excited for this opportunity (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)♥♥♥

They want me to draw the younger versions of the characters (Yoshinori, Aiden, Darius, and/or Lloyd) in either SFW or NSFW scenarios. You could view the details of these characters here. Rest assured, I won't go easy on them 👀👌

Although this means I'll have less output this month since I'll be working on this, the full illustration will be released on my FANBOX/Fantia one month after the release of the artbook!!

✨我收到了BLits Game的邀請去當他們新遊戲《Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster Season》的畫冊的客串繪師!有這樣的機會我真的超榮幸又超期待的啦(⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)♥♥♥

他們希望我畫年輕版的主要角色(Yoshinori, Aiden, Darius 和/或 Lloyd),不論色不色色都可以。更詳細的角色介紹可以在這邊瀏覽。想也知道我絕對色色👀👌



embed: forms.gle




Sand Suna and Camp Buddy crossover? Who's been reading my wishlist? 😂


I'm just as surprised as you are XDDD Turns out they've been a fan of my work for a while, and I'm super flattered ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪


Congrats on the end of your internship. And the opportunity to make Camp Buddy art. I know you will rock both ^^


So many news at once... Wow. Well, CONGRATS of course on your internship AND to being involved in drawing for a scout-game. That will push you again up to the top (as if you aren't there already). Nice, that we will see more of Orbi then.. I bet you will have something very special in mind :) Enjoy these times! Love from Shinji


Hope you realise that I'll be requesting the rest of the camp scouts in future polling 😂


首先恭喜要毕业啦,然后居然是Camp Buddy,兴奋起来了!


Unfortunately I don't think I have the rights to draw them since they've only commissioned me for this piece >< I could ask Mikkoukun in the future if people are really into it tho (?


Thank you! In their last artbook, they had god tier artists such as Shiba Yuji, BEITEMIAN, and lvlv as their guest artists. I am super excited and scared to be featured in a place where those gods belong XDDD As for Orbi, I think we all already know that he'll mess up the experiment again (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


謝謝青山!! 可惜這次畫不到Keitaro一行人,希望未來還有機會 ᕙ (° ω ° ~)


You will ofc bring a new and wonderful style to the young games characters.. I know that just by knowing your art. And well, Orbi has a hard life then, hasn‘t he? Always screwing up.. I really feel for him. ^;..;^




還沒還沒,在論文交出去、成績出來前都不知道(´ . .̫ . `)


Ah damn, but understandable. Look forward to see your version of the characters though 👍


Congrats on your completed internship and soon to be graduation Sand Suna-kun! Being invited as a guest artist for a Camp Buddy artbook... Oh my! I eagerly await your contributions to the book~