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Draft | 草稿

"Oh? The toilet is out of order?"

"Have you forgotten about our portable toilet?"

"True, hold him for me, I'll undress him"

Our Toy Part 10! It's the first series to hit the 10 part mark XD

Special thanks to 邢小枫 (@keith0425) for cameo! Given that he's a streamer, I figured it's appropriate for him to hold the camera (?

Apart from making the boys line-up taking turn to use the "toilet", I purposefully shifted the gaze of the boy on the far left outside of the canvas to suggest that the queue is longer than what's shown on the screen.

This time, I try to draw the body with a bit more gesture, similar to what's shown in the video here. It's probably not obvious, but I do try to improve the flows in the bodies that I draw. It's really difficult to balance anatomy and gesture both at the same time (›´ω`‹ )




Our Toy Part 10!是第一個到10 Part的系列耶 XD

特別感謝 邢小枫(@keith0425)來客串!畢竟邢小枫是實況主,我想說讓他拿相機好像挺適合的(?


這次我想用更多gesture來詮釋人體,有點類似這個影片所示範的。雖然不是很明顯,但我確實想要讓我畫的人體流暢度提升一些。要同時兼顧解剖跟gesture真的非常困難(›´ω`‹ )

Experimentation | 實驗

Yes, this is the same toilet as Part 3 ww

I began experimenting the color with just one character and a defined ambience. My goal is to have a bit more realism than before in the color I choose this time.

對,這次的場景跟Part 3的廁所是同一個ww


Other Characters | 其他角色

This time I totally changed my order. Instead of doing masking → base color → lighting all at once, I simply did the same thing but on an individual scale just to spice things up. I wouldn't say I prefer this order over the other order, vice versa, but it does make the thinking process quite different.

For the shadow colors, instead of choosing a saturated warm color like I usually do, I chose pure gray for more realism, and make the shadow more alive with more layers like subsurface scattering and reflected ambient light. My current thought is that the color feels a bit dirty... ・゚・(つд`゚)・゚・


有關陰影的顏色,以往我會選一個比較飽和的暖色當陰影,但這次我為了寫實一點選了純灰,並且加了更多其他圖層(例如次表面散射、環境反射光)來讓顏色更活潑一點。我目前的想法是顏色看起來有點髒啊… ・゚・(つд`゚)・゚・

Color Draft | 上色草稿

Added some fogs and made the temperature warmer. I still think the colors could be improved 🤔

Also there's like a million anatomical mistakes I need to fix when rendering

(ノᐛ )ノ ミ ┻━┻


然後我發現有一卡車的解剖問題要修 (ノᐛ )ノ ミ ┻━┻




A penny for your imagination… no, that is unpayable. You did again such a heavy, hot but wonderful scene.. yes, it is getting super hard for the toy boy, as he seems only to be able to taste cum or piss at all anymore… but I’m always taken by this kind of brutal humiliation you invent.. Sand, I am starting to admire you more and more. Your scenes always get right down to my bones, making me feeling the shame of toy-boy (what’s his name btw?)… phew.. I need a shower now…




Dude, you always put me on a pedestal XDD I'm simply imagining the situations I'd love to hypothetically be in as a bottom! That toy-boy's name is Mutoh, he is actually my boyfriend's character haha


Oh, sorry if it bothers you, when I praise you a bit. I just like your ideas and your style. And I want to express that.. well, thanks for the name. And good to know you have a boy(toy)friend ;) then you are at least well cared for.. and still we share as it seems a common type of dream bottom-situations.. are we weird? Or just normal? 😈


It doesn't bother me at all, and I enjoy reading them (*´ч ` *)! When it comes to fantasy, my boyfriend and I are both very much submissive bottoms, but in real life, he's the top most of the times ww It's very normal... I think (?


Even if you've got a long way to go, you reach out for help and respond to advice. An artist who can do that will always continue to grow! Go Sand Go! Also super sexy drawing!!


Without you guys supporting me, it wouldn't be possible for me to take my time honing my craft, and I would probably be super anxious right now (›´ω`‹ ) Thank you guys for having faith in me (´,,•ω•,,)♡