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Here is the voting results for last month:


Note that the votes on position is not weighted :3

Like we said last time, starting from this month, 25% of the votes from past month will accumulate towards the next month! Below is the vote accumulation statistics:

位置代入的統計票數沒有受權重影響喔 :3


1. Part-Time Job pt.2 - 2

2. Be Quiet! pt. 6 - 3

3. Newbie pt. 6 - 4

4. Our Toy pt. 10 - 7

5. Accident pt. 5 - 0

6. Character Setting | 角色設定 - 7

7. Watch & Learn pt. 3 - 5

8. New - 0

✨I've been experimenting with printing FANBOX cards ww. The card printer I have at home only allows me to print PVC cards and the color is very off despite me having tested about over 20 different settings. I hope to custom print them and give them away in the future(📞'ω')


✨I also bought these cool stuff. They are transparent laser sheets which can be attached to different surfaces upon heating, providing similar effects seen on FANBOX. I want the cards I print to be more than just ink on some plastic, they have to be special ლ(◕ω◕ლ)


✨However, we tried many different heating method, surface material, and temperature, none of them works. All of them had crazy amount of bubbles on the surface. We're experimenting different ways to approach this, so this is still a project under experimentation (´ωˋ )

✨無論如何,我們嘗試了許多不同的加熱方法、表面材質、溫度,但沒有一個行得通。每次加熱後表面都會有多到很誇張的氣泡。我們還在實驗不同的方法,所以這算是一個還在研發階段的企劃(´ωˋ )





(´♡‿♡`) Fan cards. Sand Sana the transparent sheets are they laminating sheets?


Yeah, they're laminating sheets. I'm going to try transparent stickers next since that won't require heating, there shouldn't be bubbles :3

Hagiel Wong

實體卡超酷的,期待研發成功~ >v<


Yeah, I was going to suggest using transparent stickers as another solution. :D You can buy ones that you can print on using normal a printer and then stick them on the card. As for the laminating sheets wouldn't it be easier to use a laminator?


I can't really use a laminator because the card is apparently too thick to fit inside the laminator :P


I didn't forget to vote this time 😂😂😂😂


剛剛收到上次寄的酷東東 這麼快又有新的好康了w 會不會太幸福🥺


no no no, because there's a risk that the laminator's temperature is too high and will melt the ink on the card or the card itself ww


那我等到推特五萬的時候再發好了(。•̀ᴗ-)✧(? 沒啦,前提是要先研發成功www


That's too kind of you XD It's most likely that the shipping cost of the laminator is going to be more expensive than the laminator itself. I'll try transparent stickers for now :3