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New series let's goooooooooo

Don't worry, I will treat Duty Boy nice... or will I ( ˘•ω•˘ )


別擔心,我會對值日生很好的…嗎( ˘•ω•˘ )

✨I've begun working on my first doujin/short manga ٩( ᐛ )و If you don't see me updating much recently or for the following months, this is probably why :3. Here's some progress I've made so far, do note that any of the things below may be subject to change:

✨我開始在畫第一本本子/短篇啦 ٩( ᐛ )و 如果你有注意到我最近或是未來幾個月更新不多的話,就是因為我在畫本 :3 以下是目前的進度,注意下面的內容都還有可能會改變:

✨The story is set in a convenience store called "Atohs". If you're wondering why "Atohs", it's basically shota spelled backward www

✨故事發生在一個名叫「Atohs」的便利商店。如果你會好奇為什麼叫做「Atohs」的話,基本上就是shota(正太)反過來拼 www

✨Here's some quick doodle of what the convenience store thief looks like. The name "Knoll" is inspired when Mutoh and I were playing Wordle, meaning a small hill/bump, a reference to his *cough*. Knoll is a bratty boy with phimosis who has zero sexual experience (not even jerked himself off before) trying to steal things.

✨這是便利商店小偷的設定塗鴉。名字「諾魯(Knoll)」靈感源自我跟武藤在玩 Wordle 的時候遇到的字,Knoll意味著小山丘,同時是指他的*咳*。諾魯是個沒有任何性經驗(連打手槍都沒有)的包莖小屁孩,試圖順手牽羊便利商店內的物品

✨The only employee in the Atohs convenience store. "Tide" doesn't really care about his work, greets customers while looking down at his phone and simply minds his own business. I want him to be fit and not overly muscular, still young (perhaps doing this only as a part-time job). He's contained and calm on the surface, but deepdown, a shotacon without a doubt, pretty active on the shotacon circle online. The name "Tide" is not inspired by the laundry detergent, but rather how it works both in Mandarin (汰) and English, meaning to get rid of the bad stuffs back to where they belong (e.g., bring the trash back into the ocean).

✨Atohs 便利商店唯一的員工。「汰」不太在乎自己的工作,跟客人說歡迎光臨的時候也是邊低頭看手機邊講,只在乎自己想在乎的事物。我想讓他不要過狀但身材算緊實,還是挺年輕的(也許他只是在打零工而已)。表面上他看起來冷靜且收斂,但私底下毫無疑問的是個正太控,在網路上正太圈也挺活躍的。「汰」這個名稱源自「淘汰」或是「汰換」,與英文的"Tide (海浪)" 有相似的意味,意旨將不好的東西歸位到他們該屬於的地方,不論是將人事物從社會淘汰還是海浪將垃圾衝回海中。

✨Yes, in preparation for this project, I built a convenience store from scratch in Blender XD. The convenience store very conveniently had a basement for employees to rest and for storage purpose. The human models are imports from a program called Design Doll. Why are there multiple humans you might ask? Good question :D

✨對,為了準備這個企劃,我把整間便利商店都用Blender做出來了。這便利商店真的很便利,剛好有一個地下室讓員工休息與存放貨物。人的模型是從Design Doll導出的。什麼?你說為什麼有這麼多人?好問題 :D

✨This is what Knoll is stealing, it's an expansion pack for a card game he's addicted to (kina like YuGiOh or Pokemon Cards). Yes, this is a reference to Chronostasis www Looks like a real card game, right?

✨This is it for my doujin progress for now. I have written the entire story already, all that's left is to start drawing. I'm still ambivalent about drawing it in color or black and white as they each have their own benefits. For now, I won't spoil the story :3c Since this is my first time doing such a thing, I have no idea how long this will all take, but I definitely want to finish it within the first half of this year!

✨這是諾魯將偷的商品,是他很著迷的卡牌遊戲的擴充包(有點類似遊戲王卡或是寶可夢卡)。對,這是Chronostasis的彩蛋 www 看起來挺像真的卡牌遊戲,對吧?

✨目前本子的進度就這樣,故事我都已經寫好了,剩下就是畫出來而已了。我還不確定到底會畫全彩還是黑白,畢竟各有優劣。故事內容的話我就先不暴雷了:3c 畢竟是第一次畫本,老實說我完全無法估算這到底會畫多久,但我會希望能在今年上半年內就完成!





The preparation for your doujin looks very interesting already!! 🔥




This comic you're creating already looks fantastic! Sounds like Knoll is going to be in for a ride lol


( ˘•ω•˘ ) I will make sure he gets all the fun and love he deserves!



