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✨Part 3: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/1500712

✨Part 2: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/1486491

✨Part 1: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80930882

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✨請勿在未經過我的允許前將我的作品:下載/重新上傳 or 分享至其他平台,謝謝!


※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



Note: I'm being forced to censor the contents due to FANBOX's policy, sorry for the inconvenience. I am also not allowed to distribute the uncensored version in any form or way on FANBOX.



Thank you for staying, here are some bonus doodles :3! Because these are just doodles, so there wasn't process made for these drawings.

Heyo everyone, Sand here, drowning in schoolwork. Been bombarded by real-life stuff and things doesn’t look like it’ll get better for this month. In November, aside from the usual monthly poll illustration, I might not have the time to produce other illustrations apart from doodles. Just want to give everyone a heads up in case if I disappoint anyone by the lack of content ;w;

If there is a lack of content, I will try to make it up in the future when I’m less busy by releasing bonus stuffs >

Thank you guys so much for your continuous support!

謝謝你們留下來,請收下額外的塗鴉 :3!由於這些只是塗鴉,所以這次沒有放過程。

安安,這裡是快被課業淹沒的沙子// 近期有太多現實中的東西要忙,且在可預見的一個月內,這樣的情況不會好轉。十一月的話,除了每個月固定有的票選結果插圖,我可能沒有時間去畫其他的畫。想先給大家打個預防針,以免因為內容不足導致大家失望;w;



Original | 原版

Other Variations | 其他差分

This illustration is made possible with huge FANBOX support from 【syo233215】👀





What a sad odd word we have this time... ;w; Fortunately there are so many armpits to compensate that! I wanna tickle and lick and then tickle and lick those lovely armpitsss! Also wanna kiss those little cheek and drink the tears, maybe then whisper a few words into those ears too... But you know what: the thing that provokes my imagination most is the first picture - how does it feel to rub the soft hairs of a boy, between your fingers and under your palm?


Still no reply from twitter despite repeated pinging from my side ;w; I always try to sneak in positions where armpits are visible, bad habits >////< Given how the situation is for me, I would really like some hair rubs qwq