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✨Part 3: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/1387036

✨Part 1: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/1268946

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※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



Note: I'm being forced to censor the contents due to FANBOX's policy, sorry for the inconvenience. I am also not allowed to distribute the uncensored version in any form or way on FANBOX.



Original | 原版:

Variation - Water & Sweat | 差分 - 水與汗:

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謝謝你的支持 >

Remember to vote on next month's illustration using the link below!



Due to my immense obsession with armpits, I might make a part 3 regardless of the voting results 🤔

因為我腋下控,所以就算part 3投票沒贏,搞不好我還是會照樣畫🤔




Armpits are truly the best!!!!!! This [Caught] series is just to good that I want it to have 10+ parts- Now I want to lie to the boy and convince him that he is going to be pregnant... and see how he reacts🤤 (If miraculously he really get pregnant, surely I will take the responsibility and, marry him and uphold the marriage vows to the fullest.) (Mysterious voice: You wish!)


10+ parts 👀 my hands are crying Well, pregnancy isn't really my fetish, but I did promise someone on Twitter that if this series ever survive till the end, I'd give it a cute/sweet ending!


Ah don't take it too seriously ww it is my habbit to talk crazy in the Internet. And sorry for not letting you know earlier but I am actually that guy(Μήνη καί Ἀστήρ) you spoke with on Twitter. My gratitude is beyond words for you to promise a sweeeeet ending just for something I said. I am truly grateful for that! I always long for a happy ending for every story... especially when the story is about cute boys or girls. Their mere presence reminds me the taste of sweetness in this ruthless world. How can I not wish for the best for them, even if they are just fictious? And of course I wish the best for you too - for creating all these drawings that make joy arise from my heart. ( ' ω ' )🙏


Ohhh it's you! About the happy ending, despite the fact that I like to get kinky and hardcore when it comes to fantasies, but from time to time, having a cute happy ending could be nice too, so that was planned all along :D! Looking at young boys make me feel young too. How much I wish I still have the innocence, energy and joy to live life (´ωˋ ) Big <3 for you for supporting my arts too! Hopefully one day I could do this for a living!


You're most welcome! The support is well deserved - I am sure your crying hands agree with me! I believe that inocence, energy and joy are still very much inside you - after all, art is an expression of what being in your mind and heart, and I can feel the above qualities from your drawings always! ^ω^ Of course, I don't mean that dark theme, or even guro artists are evil person - but instead I tend to suspect that there is some bitterness in their life, perhaps especially when the bitterness are unspeakable, drawing becomes an available way for the bitterness to find expression. Oh dear but I forgot you are the psychologist here! Babbling layman nonsense in front of the professional!


Well, I certainly draw boys that I wish I could become, a part of me definitely miss being blissfully ignorant. Also, yes, I believe art is a good tool to express emotion or fantasies that could not otherwise be spoken in form or performed in real life :3c I am still a student, so not that professional 👀


^ ^ You are modest. I wish you a great time during your stay in Hong Kong.


Hehe, because of the virus situation, I'm currently in Taiwan now :3c


Oh of course you are! I am happy to hear that, truly. Taiwan is one of the safest places in the world, regarding the virus matter. Tsk, we envy you Taiwanese. = =


Indeed, I am quite happy being a Taiwanese ww Where are you from btw?


老天,他們連黑線都不接受,要強逼打馬賽克? 唉,將人力和資源就投放在這些無聊的管制上,世界上的性犯罪何曾有減少過?萬惡的「修正主義」……眞心認爲可恨 = =


我會盡量想辦法的qwqqqq 說真的,我也很反對各種的censorship,也認同這對治安或是犯罪率一點也沒幫助,今天又收到一次警告我也是傻眼...