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Hi pals, here's an end of the week update with more progress!

[Spoilers ahead but I'm not under the impression that's a concern here]

I made some notifications for stream this week- and progressed on animation....

I tried my best to get some more progress done on Celesse's lore stuff.. I'm just about done coloring the animated bit... I'm hoping I can tie down the rest of all the non animated stills done this weekend too so that next week I can just focus on doing video/sound editting and squeeze in commission work time (>< sorry for the delay, guys! I haven't forgotten about you!!)

youtube post: v1qCaxg-Pxc

(the "Breaks" are just for marking where I want to cut for transition... I'm thinking about rolling out the lore clips throughout the stream like commercial breaks instead of just playing it all upfront? idk yet)

I haven't animated for myself in such a long time- it feels weird but also nice to have any motivation to go back to it in anyway.

I was struggling for a while trying to come up with any kind of weird lore- since in reality I just made a loli gijinka of like.. my glasses, braids, and ernest&celestine fetishes...

but spitballing with some friends helped a lot and now I'm kind of mixing every children's literature trope that I find sexy into Celesse's "lore" lol

Mostly I'm just having fun.. I'm glad that you don't really need to take vtube lore too seriously. It feels nice have little projects like this to be self indulgent in again.

checking back in with my to-do list: I've still got a handful of things to tackle but I'm getting through them steadily..

Work got a bit busy this week so I'm hoping next week will be less so...

Hope you guys are doing okay!

Thanks always for supporting me ❤




Allan Grey

Her back-story is rather bittersweet yet kind-of in reverse, since her girl's love and his caring (or loneliness?) gave her life. Even just her attitude throughout the video is adorable, and I love how the ideas fell together (especially all her bear friends). Timing and layout look great too, and I think you're right about using the breaks between promotions. Though I'm not into vTubers myself, it is wonderful to see one who is actually sweet & adorable and with a charming back story as part of her personality. Celesse will certainly be very popular because she really captures people's hearts as well as attention. I hope the sponsors recognize that as soon as the channel is live. Meanwhile thanks for sharing the lovely preview & process.


You're so sweet T__T <3 thank you for sucha wonderful comment!! it motivates me to keep working hard to finish!! ;;;