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The drawing looks a little odd on her legs. I understand her legs are close together now but still confuses me occasionally when seeing it again


Because of the angle. She has quite a big pelvis. A person's legs get narrower as they go down, and she has a very large pelvis, so this characteristic is more severe than other ordinary women. Also, her posture is lying on her stomach against the toilet, and if she had kept her legs open, she would not have been able to insert smoothly, so she had to put her legs together. The angle is a high angle and she's putting her legs together, so it might seem quite extreme, but that makes it feel more erotic.


Right but for a moment upon seeing it again, her legs look off each time. Or like she's wearing half-torn? Pants due to the toilet seat


I appreciated your concerning. I understand what you mean. But it won't make a big difference if I revise it.