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外国の方からのご依頼で「魔法のプリクラ機」を描かせてもらいました♪ かわいい女の子になって好きな服着て写真残せるならこのサービスは嬉しいかも( ゚∀ ゚) 日本に来る外国人さん、プリクラを撮る際はお気を付けください(笑) At the comission of a foreign friend, I drew a "magic photo booth machine". I would be happy with this service if I could be a cute girl and take pictures in my favorite clothes. Foreigners coming to Japan, please be careful when taking photo booths. ご依頼お待ちしてます!(^0^)/ I am waiting for your commission!If you are concerned about the price, please contact me. ☆Twitter☆ https://twitter.com/ill_188 ☆Skeb☆ https://skeb.jp/@ill_188



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