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外国の方からのご依頼で、マリオギャラクシーのロゼッタ石化を描かせてもらいましたー(^0^) ロゼッタさんの石化を描くのは今回で4回目!以前よりさらにセクシーに描けたかな? ↓以前のロゼッタさん↓ ①https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1373968 ②https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1500714/https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1552785 ③https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1861975 今回の石像になったときのポーズはすごくお気に入りです(ˊ▽ˋ*) ご依頼ありがとうございました! ======================================================= At the comission of a foreigner, I drew the Rosalina petrification of Mario Galaxy (^ 0 ^) This is the fourth time to draw Rosalina‘s petrification! I think I was able to draw more sexy than before. Do not you think so? ↓ Previous Rosalina ↓ ① https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1373968 ② https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1500714 https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1552785 ③ https://ill188.fanbox.cc/posts/1861975 I really like the pose when she becames a stone statue this time (ˊ ▽ ˋ *) Thank you for your comission! ************************************************************ ご依頼お待ちしてます!(^0^)/ I am waiting for your commission!If you are concerned about the price, please contact me. ☆Twitter☆ https://twitter.com/ill_188 ☆Skeb☆ https://skeb.jp/@ill_188



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