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Thank you very much for your continuous support.

Thanks to your support, I have been able to create many works for such a long time and challenge new things such as Live2D and after-effects since last year.

Now, I planning to produce an animated video next month in July.

I would like to inform you of a change in our support plan accordingly.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the change of the plan contents for the first several times.


Thankfully, FANBOX has been updated over the past two years, and I have been able to create more elaborate and longer works than in the past.

However, the more elaborate and longer the work, the more time the voice actors have to record, the more work is required of the artists, and the more work I have to do, the more time and cost I have to spend on the work.

In order to concentrate more on making better works and to continue to make better works in the future, I considering the following changes to the support plan for animated films to be released in July and beyond.

600 yen → 700 yen

I would like to create a new "Animation Plan".

Animation films from May 2022 to September 2021 can be viewed with the existing "Simple Plan Plus+".

However, I planning to change the plan for animated films older than one year so that they can be viewed under the "Animation Plan".

This is a temporary plan, and we may change it back to the original Simple Plan Plus+ after seeing how everyone reacts to it.

I apologize again for any inconvenience this may cause. I will do our best to make it even better, so thank you for your understanding.

I am also considering discontinuing the "Simple Plan".

The reason for this is that we have not been able to submit many works for the Simple Plan, and considering the fact that almost no one has joined the Simple Plan, we are thinking of eliminating it.

That is all. Thank you for your continued support.

(*This is just a schedule, so there is a possibility that the contents may be changed after listening to your opinions, or that the plan may no longer be changed. In that case, we will let you know.)

Also, as we are changing the subject, reports of unauthorized reproduction are increasing.

Please stop this as it really lowers my motivation.

If you find one, I would appreciate it if you could help alert the contributor or report it to me.



イラストレーター、声優、動画と関わる人数が多い関係上(さかさんは監督やディレクションも兼ねなくてはいけない等)工数を考えると、単純計算今の3倍の金額はしないとおかしいとは思います。 そういった意味で今回の値上げは妥当と思いますが、思い切ってもう少しあげた方が良かったのではないかと感じました。 うだうだ書きましたが毎月死ぬほど高クオリティのエロアニメ見さしてもろてほんまに助かってます。 毎月月末が楽しみで仕方ないです。


No problem saka-san! All the best for your next milestone in plan! and i personally understand the consideration since u are planning to put more effort and elements to your marvelous works..dnt forget to take breaks in between too!


All the best to your goal!! No need to apologize, that is a cool idea to strive for. ^^ While I have to step away from fan box for a while I want you to know it isnt cause of the plan change just facing a financial bind right now, so I wish you nothing but the best going forward


Thanks for the update Saka-san. I personally don't mind chipping in a bit more to support you and your quality artworks. Question is I'm at Simple plan plus, will it be upgraded to the new one so no need to change or will it be a new separate plan that I will have to upgrade manually? Again good luck on your future works and so excited for it!


Thank you for your support. If you want to see the animation from next month, you need to manually change the plan from 600 yen to 700 yen.


never mind!! just take my money@////@


Completely understand raising the plans, and I do not mind at all! However when I check and see if I can upgrade I see no option. The highest plan for me available is the 600yen one and that one I'm already supporting. If I'm doing something wrong let me know! Looking forward to more of your amazing work <3


Go for it! I’ll continue to support you!


wise choice and go for it! I think paying more attention to animated works rather than static ones def would be better choices, and that's what makes you poping out from the others. honestly every time I saw a static voice drama I would be a little bit disappointed lol. So if this change means more animated works are coming, I'm down to it


The animations will continue to be updated once every two months, alternating with picture dramas! It is not our intention to increase the number of animations, but to change the support plan to stabilize the update of animations once every two months, as there is currently too little cost and time to create animations. This is a measure to prevent further reduction in the number of animations. I apologize for any misunderstanding due to my poor English...! (As expected, making animations every month would be too time-consuming and I would die of exhaustion lol)


Good morning Saka-san! The DM was unavailable, so I'm leaving it in the comment section. Your voice is truly beautiful, and I was wondering if you take any voice commission for under 20 seconds for my hero character. I hope I can get an opportunity to get your voice commissions >.< My Twitter account is the same, kiwiperin~!


Currently, I have a lot of reschedules and requests to fill, and whether or not I can accept a request depends on the deadline, guaranty, and amount of dialogue. For more information, please contact us by DM on Twitter. I am not good at English, so I would appreciate it if you could contact me in Japanese.