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飼育員の奉仕セックスですか?!/ Zookeeper's Sex Service?!

アクアリウムの男子トイレです!! :O

It's Aquarium's Man's Toilet!! :O

こんにちは、Morning Explosionです!! :)

Hello, This is Morning Explosion!! :)


Thank You Vor Waiting Me For 2 Weeks While I Got Invite For My Aunt's house!!

実は昨日記事を作成しなければならないのですが、今日が水曜日だと思うほど、ゲームを一生懸命制作しました…… D:

Actually, I Should Write The Article Yesterday, But I Notice Today Is the Wednesday... D:


I am Sorry For Late.

サブHシーン / Sub H-Scene


Consider The Progress of Making, As The Original Plan To Make Sub H-Scene's CG, I Cannot Follow The Work,


So, The Most of the Sub H-Scene's Making Plan Will Be Change For Dott H Event.


In Aquarium's Sub H-Scene, There are Guest's Sexual Harassment,


But There are Sub H-Scene That With "Middle Aged Guests" Who Get Boared About Aquarium, So Make Them Fun.

アクアリウム飼育員のオナニーショー!! :D

Aquarium Zookeeper's Masturbation Show!! :D

そして、動物公演のミニゲームを一定回数失敗すると、怒った観客のHシーンも制作しました!! :D

And, When Fail Animal Show For Some Times, There are Sub Event of Angry Guests!! :D

観客を怒らせないように注意しなければなりませんね!! X)

You Should Never Make Guests Angry!! X)


Middle Aged Guests In Aquarium Get Boared, So MINI Have Pussy Service!!

中年の観客がアクアリウムで楽しい時間を過ごせますね!! XD

Middle Aged Guests Can Have a Funny Time In Aquarium!! XD

ゲーム制作の勉強 / Study of Game Making

ここからはMorning Explosionが、ゲームのCGを制作する過程で気づいた内容を作成します。

In This Part, Write About Morning Explosion Get Know During Make a Game's CG.

CGの製作方法変更 / Change the Method of Make CG


I Used To Make a CGs drawn in a drawing program, and Make CGs using CGs


This method takes a long time in the mosaic process, and when producing variations of H-scene, it is very complicated, and it is difficult to produce all CGs again When Find a Wrong Part.


The New Way Is Divide the Face, Arm, Leg, Pussy, Penis,

and Unite In Game.


This Way to Make H-Scene Get Confuse For Me Because I am Idiot,


But It Used to Make The Mosaic Censorship the 26 CGs, Now It Just Need 2 CGs.


And It's Good To Make The Variation of the H-Scene!! :D

Hシーンの表現 / H-Scene's Expression


Until now, my H-scene production expression has been made with GIF animation of 2~3 frames


With the new CG production method, I think we can produce better GIF animation.


I've already tested it once, and I've got a good result,


But Unfortunately, since so many CGs and H-scene in this work have been produced that it is impossible to modify, the production of H-scene will be upgraded from the next work.

高麗ちゃんからアップグレードされたHシーンをお楽しみに!! XD

Please Looking Forward The Upgraded H-Scene From Goryeo Chan!! XD

基本Hシーンのバリエーション / Basic H-Scene's Variation


You may think it's my excuse, but I'm planning a "Variation H scene" that I can use for my future work.



"Variation H Scene" is like the H-dot sprite that I made.

This is an H scene where you can create H scene by giving the difference between "hair", "skin color", and "chest size" in various works.



I have already made H-scene materials like the uterine section and the Penis.

This allows H scene to be made in a fixed frame.



Of course, I don't make my own game with only Variation H scene.

I think it's a small number of H scenes.


However, I think the method of producing H scene by making a difference in expression is very useful for individual producers.



An example of Variation H scene is a MINI's Felatio.

You will be able to see the appropriate Felatio H scene from time to time in future works.


Make a Really Erotic Variation H-Scene, Add the Different of the Character, And Show It Sometimes In Future Games!! XD

アニメプログラム?? / Animation Program??

私はLIVE 2DやSPINEを利用してアニメを制作されている方々の作品を見て感心しました。

I was amazed by the works of people who make animations using LIVE 2D or SPINE.


So, I thought about making H scene using an animation program,


But There are people who like the way my previous H-scene is expressed, and I want to upgrade the H-scene production method little by little, so I don't have any plans to produce games using animation programs yet.

私の親戚が私にアニメプログラムを買ってくれると言いましたが、親戚はゲームを制作せず、私がもらえないので断りました。 X)

My Cosin told me that he would buy me an animation program, but I refused because he didn't Make a Game and I Shouldn't get it. X)

より多くのゲーム開発過程は、"アヘ顔ビーム~~~~!!!!"プランにあります!!プラン支援お願いします ! ! (灬ºωº灬)

You Can See More Game Making Progress at My Pay plan, "アヘ顔ビーム~~~~!!!!" Please Support My Plan!! (灬ºωº灬)

今日の記事はここまでです。 楽しかったですか?? :)

This is The End of Today's Article. Did You Enjoy It?? :)

毎回ゲームが80%完成するたびに、良いアイデアと便利なゲームの作り方が思い浮かんで絶望しますが、これからもずっとそうなるでしょう。 これは私にかかった呪いです!! DX<

Every time a game is 80% complete, I despair because I think of good ideas and convenient ways to make it, but I will continue to do so. This is a curse on me!! DX<


In this work, many CGs have already been drawn in the current way, so we will produce them in the current way until they are completed.


And the release date of the game has been postponed to next year, but I will work hard to produce it.

制作日程が忙しくてPeach Catサークルさんの誕生日祝いの絵が描けないと思います。:(

I don't think I'll be able to draw happy birthday pictures of Peach Cat Circle because I'm busy with production schedules... :(

本当にありがとうございます!! :D

Thank You Very Much!! :D

Zookeeper Mission!2

私のゲームは現在製作中です! ほんとうに、ありがとうございます。(灬ºωº灬)

My game is still working on progress! Thank you very Much. (灬ºωº灬)


My Game is Here↓



Thank You Very Much, I'll Do my Best!! XD

では、また~ (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)

So, See ya~ (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)

サークル作品/Circle Product

Age of Ashes


Zookeeper Mission!




フォロー特典 / Follow Reward



So far, I've drawn my painting-style semen effect, but it's like "a cookie dough mixed with cigarette ash."


But, During Study the Art, I Found a New Way to Draw Liquid.


Semen and Sweat is the "Blood" From the Body.


Set the "Blood"'s Transparency as 25% and Draw Liquid Effect on It, I Can Draw Really Good Liquid.


Bukage on Goryeo Chan!!

ご覧のとおり、以前よりも良い液体を描くことができます。 血が鍵でした!! :D

As you can see, I can draw a better liquid than before. Blood was the key!! :D


The new liquid effect is produced from a New Game featuring a Goryeo Chan.


However, I Cannot Know How to Draw "Sputum".

もしタバコを吸う方がいらっしゃったら、私に写真を...ウブウブ!! X)

If You are Smoke, Can You Send Me a Photo...Uwp Uwp!! X)



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