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いつも支援ありがとうございます! こんな時間ですが104日目が描けたので置いておきますね^^ メガネちゃんが違法サイトに無断アップロードされてるようなので欄外に注意喚起を描きました。 もともと無料で見れるのでどうせならちゃんとPixivでみて閲覧数に貢献して欲しいなあって思いまして。 ここで観てくれてる方々には全く関係ありません^^ 明日は来客があるのでそのまま週明けまでお休みするかも知れません。 もし描けたら土日のどっちかで更新します。






Hey! I just became a fan and supporter of yours. Great job! I wish you extend this story and add more sex scenes with more detailed images and different angles. Keep rocking!


Nooooo! Lucky can not leave her! Pls don't!!! What I hope if this goes like this is: Lucky leave her for a while but something happens and he will be back at give her what she and we all want. Anxious for next chap.


English versions of bubbles


Day104 Panel1 Yukie. LUCKY, COME COLSER, LET’S HAVE A FUN! Day104 Panel2 Lucky. ... Day104 Panel2 Yukie OH, NOT SHAKING HANDS... Day104 Panel3 Lucky. ... Day104 Panel3 Yukie NOT OTHER HANDS TOO... Day104 Panel3 Yukie EW? LUCKY...?

Little Pilu

I understand the trick, even if it has a very anthropomorphic reaction to it. Especially since he wants to do it anyway. The sacrifice of the dog... The worst thing is that Yukie seems to be getting better! That said, the goal is for Yukie to find Kazuma. But I hope that at least in the end, even if she is with Kazuma, she will have some fun with Lucky. I'm happy, I have two guys for me ^^ That said, thinking about it, the manga could very well not be a bestiality story, because it does not really impact the story since Kazuma arrived. It doesn't matter if she fucked the dog or not, since I think (from the way it turned out) that she will end up with Kazuma (or she rejects him because she wants to stay with Lucky, but I don't think so). She could have spent 3 days depressed, and during Lucky's walk, she sees Kazuma again, who explains himself and everything ends well. Hum the bestiality is not the central element since Kazuma in the end ^^

Little Pilu

(on the other hand she will never say what she did with her dog. ) I don't think I'm wrong about the ending. Too bad, an ending where she would have just found a balance and happiness with her dog would have made a nice bestiality story ^^. But I hope that even if she ends up with Kazuma, that on the last day of the story, there are hints that she will continue her sex with Lucky =) When the piracy I do not support it. If the doujins version contains more detail on some days like 100, 101 and 102 with more scene, I'm a taker ^^ and ready to buy it =) Or like an alternative ending where it ends her and Lucky after the love all happy! I'm sorry, I've criticized a bit, I apologize. I just dream of a nice ending with Lucky and Yukie ^^. But nothing prevents me from liking your work a lot, and I think a lot as you see ^^


ラッキーの決意が… 漢ですね。 ご無理はなさらずにどうぞ…


ラッキー、、、これは飼い主のメガネちゃんを依存体質から救おうとしてるのかな🤔 だとしたら相当えらいワンコですね☺️


ラッキー自身も性欲を我慢して我慢してるとこ偉すぎます😖 ゆっくり休まれてください!

あ、あ、ラッキーかわいい 健気!


うーん、面白い展開は終わりかな? ラッキーの子くらい孕んでほしかった


ラッキー、ちゃんと雪恵さんにとって何が幸せなのか分かってあげられて偉いね、まあこのままじゃただの色ボケ犬だしね・・・ もうちょっとディープな獣姦も見てみたかったけどそれは今後の機会に期待するとして、あとは雪恵さんがどう幸せになるかですね、うーん・・・






先が気になりすぎるので初支援登録させていただきました! ユキエさんが幸せになるのか堕ちていくのか、どちらの結末でも傑作になりそうな予感。 いつもお疲れ様です。更新を心待ちにしています。






ありがとうございます!!! 結末まで読んでくれた方が「良かったね」ってなるようにがんばります^^