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This is Kazuhiko, this might be the oldest boy I have drawn so far, that's why previously I balanced it with a younger boy. I wonder who is more popular among my fans. I'm sorry this week's content come so late. Harpuia's extra content actually demand a lot of works on my end and I can barely keep up. Also thanks to Harpuia's input I'm able to draw this character with a new style of face~ I do hope you like him.

As always your feedback always more than welcome.

這個角色叫和彥,他也許是我近期創作的最年長的角色了,也是因為這個原因第三周更新的小學徒年幼很多,我很好奇大家會比較喜歡哪個角色。 很抱歉這週的作品來得那麼晚,Harpuia的額外作品其實需要我不少時間去翻譯和處理,外加我自己的更新內容,有點頂不住了。這次角色的臉,Harpuia有幫我修改~~所以畫風上略微有些不同,希望大家喜歡!和往常一樣,大家的反饋意見非常重要,謝謝!


The tanuki always loves to prank. Some even put this to the extreme by making it their career.

The protection ward of Billowing Bastion would normally repel these troublemakers, but they always find a way to get inside. These tricksters are the nemesis of the monkey guards (Of course there are exceptions).


Tatsuni is a very experienced monkey guard, in his earlier years he accomplished some extremely dangerous missions, and now he is in charge of the fifth brigade. The district of the fifth brigade is at the edge of the Ribben district with higher criminal activity. Tatsumi chose a more flexible approach to enforcing the law: He would allow relatively harmless pranks as long as the tanuki gangs provided them with one or two new members as scapegoats on a regular basis. He is not going to risk his life for the basic salary.


The new recruit Kazuhiko beat up a gang of Tanuki. Yes yes, it's a good thing to have a dumbass who can fight but can not be this dumb. This brat needs some education.


Tatsuni thought this stubborn boy could only be "educated" by showing power and dominance, to his surprise, Matsusuke was actually able to make this new boy listen, Tanuki watched Kazuhiko enter with a smile of satisfaction.


Week 4 C




love the monkey dance, hopefully there's more to come!



milk A


milk A



超期待第四周的图。很喜欢。 加上对话还有漫画,真的非常期待。 这段时间风大的作品质量真的超高。 风大这段时间辛苦了,注意休息 另外提醒风大一下,第二三周都没有日语版的。 不知道日本的购买者会不会在意

