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Yes, the latest work has been removed again due to reporter and censorship. How many times is this ...
As a last resort, I had to strengthen the censorship of the Fanbox's submissions, and it will be published again after . I honestly apologize for the inconvenience.
※Please refer to the following image for the difference of censorship.



I just don't understand why someone would report you or any of your posts on here for censorship. I mean, obviously they are a fan supporter of yours. Otherwise they couldn't view the posts to notice its apparent lack of censorship anyway. So why would someone who is spending their hard earned money to support you ruin it for themselves and the others who support you by essentially demanding greater censorship and risk your fanbox from being closed with these reports? I would imagine if this person was a fan of yours and this type of art, they'd want less censorship, not more, at least that's how I feel. I just don't get it. If you don't like it, stop supporting and go away. Don't ruin it for everyone else who love and support the art as is.


Gadammit, japan strikes again.


There is a lot kind of people in the world. I don't get it too and I won't try to understand them,I just want a peaceful place and is that sooo hard? If every one are wise as you I would be happy enough.




It's just the works uploaded on Fanbox. I will find a way to avoid it such as using outside downloading links. sorry for now.




I wouldn't go so far as to say wise, but thanks for that all the same. You're an artist who has a passion and a talent you chose to share with anyone willing to view it. We are your fans and supporters who appreciate what you do and look forward to everything you put out for us. If you can't share your art with your supporters, who can you share them with? This isn't exactly the kind of art you can take to your local art gallery, right? We are supposed to be your peaceful place, and I will do what I can to not put forth any negative vibes because they do not one any good.


That keep my head spinning. Don't stop making animation!